"Hey guys, sorry to burst, whatever this is....but did you see the caption, it says CUTE COUPLE sing their lungs out in their car," Jade brought up.

The two stopped jumping and realized what she just told them.

"Bu-but we aren't dating... that's weird, hehe," Robbie awkwardly mentioned. He had this awkward smile on his face as well. Then Jade, Beck, and Tori's eyes grew open to what Robbie said, in response to the caption.

"Why! Are you ashamed to be around Cat?" Jade sharply questioned him.

"No, of course not! You know that, Ca-...." He responded, but he turned around to see Cat, but she vanished.

"Cat, Cat? Where are you?" He yelled for her. Robbie was scared that what he said hurt her.

(Girl's Restroom)

Cat quickly ran over to the Girl's restroom and flew into an open stall. She got the best of her emotions and told her to run. She just sat there on the toilet and reminisced about the fun, joyous memories she had with him. She thought about him a lot. He always got her to smile, either by Rex, his dorky jokes, his complements, or the sweet things he says.

Now, however, Cat feels that there is something special between them and feels special every time he was around her.

Ever since he kissed her during the CoWow, she was confused about her feelings for him.


But she always felt safe with him and his curly hair.

'Should I avoid him, or be with him?' She questioned herself every time.

The feeling of being overwhelmed with all these spontaneous thoughts in her cute, small head made her head hurt. 'Do I like.....Robbie?'

"The fact that I am thinking about Robbie's cute curlyhead right now, already answers that... hehe," She told herself with a smile.

Just then, a hard knock landed on her stall door. Cat was startled by the knock but decided to joke around with it.

"Who's there? Hehehe"

A familiar voice sounded, "Cat, are you okay?"

"Jade?" Cat spoke up.

"No, it's the Gingerbread Man! Of course, it's JADE!!" she annoyingly replied.

"Hiiiii, Jade! Hehe," Cat bubbly responded.

"Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

Jade was her best friend. They promised each other to be there for each other no matter what. Even the fearsome Jade needs emotional help at times.

"Yeeeessss, now I am!!! hehe," Cat assured her.

Jade was perplexed, "SO why'd you run?"

"I really don't know why......I guess the emotions got the best of me when Robbie mentioned dating and being together.

I haven't had a genuine relationship since Danny....and that didn't last long," Cat explains, with tiny tears running down her face. She remembers the boy that she thought she loved but realized that he had feelings for Tori. But she doesn't want to remember that anymore, it was time for her to move on.

"Wait, wait wait, you like... puppet boy??" Jade finally asked. She always thought Robbie was in love with Cat from the start, but never had a single thought that Cat would start to have feelings for him.

"Noooooooo, Gross" Cat's voice cracked. She attempts to hide her feelings for Robbie, but she ultimately fails.

"Cat... " Jade knew that she was lying by the voice crack.

"FINE, YESS YESSS YESSS, I LIKE ROBBIE...ALOT!" She finally admitted. She finally felt that weight off her chest.

"You are a terrible liar....." Jade insulted.

"I know...." Cat quietly replied. She wishes that she was better in that department.

"When did you start liking... Robbie?" Jade gagged, she never thought any girl would have feelings for him.

"I've always liked Robbie... as my best friend.

But at the CoWoW last year, I was jealous that he had a date. Then when I got hit in the face by Sinjin, Robbie was there and stayed with me. At the end of the whole thing, he kissed me, and is probably the smoothest thing he's ever done." She explained.

"Wait... Was puppet boy smooth? But what did you do after the kiss....please don't tell me you-?"

"I ran away...." Cat reluctantly responded.


"I RAN AWAY, OKAY! Well, really, I biked away, hehe," she admitted. She wasn't proud that she did that.

"WHY!!" JADE YELLED, EVEN MORE. Girls in the restroom turned to look at her, yelling at a stall door.

"I guess I didn't know how to feel about it. My feelings for R have always been on and off. My emotions took over, like today. And that's why you are talking to me through my stall door hehe," she quietly reveals.

"Now that you mention it, get out of the stall, we are not the only ones in the restroom after all....plus we have to head to Sikowitz's Class," Jade added

"Kay Kay!!!" Cat happily responded as she opened the stall door to be greeted by a warm hug from Jade. She felt that emotional weight off her shoulders by telling Jade her feelings.

"Your secret is safe with me," she whispers in Cat's ear, which relieves her. The two young ladies got out of the restroom, with Cat feeling amazed that she finally let out her feelings for Robbie. Now it's just a matter of telling him.

Author's Message:

Hey, y'all, this is my first time writing a victorious story, so please check it out, and please leave any ideas, like ships such as Bori, Cabbie, Bade, T'Andre, or J'Andre. Actually, that one doesn't make much sense...I also know these are mostly Tori, but still. This story will focus on each other's relationships, especially Cat and Robbie. Let me know of any storylines that should be included. I've always shipped Cabbie, always found them cute, but Andre and Tori had so much potential! Please let me know if you enjoyed this. I want to do more, but I have to focus on my other story! Anyways, thanks for reading this. 

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