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Follow you say to mango who follows you to a area away from the others. What's up rabbit why are we here mango says. We're here because I wanna talk to you about something that's been bothering me a lot you say taking a seat on one of the chairs. Mango takes a seat across from you at the table. What's on your mind mina mango asks.

I had a dream that preacher was alive he was a good guy we blew up a mask place somewhere in the states then there was Caveira and Jordan and preacher was killed by Jordan and spooky lady shot me you say. Mango leans back in his seat. She kills you in every dream you have apparently what was different about this one mango says.

Mango is it possible to just walk away and not be brought back into it you ask and mango sits in the seat thinking hard on what you revealed to him. I can't let you leave here mina last time we were alone we got arrested the next day I promised you I wouldn't leave you alone I meant it now let's go get you something to eat and we will discuss how long your unable to go shooting or on a mission for mango says.

Strict but hopefully it helps you not do anything stupid again Ash says walking by. Why did you listen on our conversation Ash and I have to be I was nice with just saying don't do it again everyone took me as a joke for doing so but not anymore this hurts to be strict on rabbit but it's for her own good mango says. You put the chair back to the table like how you found it. ThThen you follow mango not wanting to anger him anymore.

Don't piss him off more cause he don't shut up when he gets started and he gets loud very loud Ash says walking behind you. Don't listen to her and you'll be fine mango says. You stay silent and keep walking. Why shouldn't I be heard by the child shuhrat Ash says being annoyed. Take a joke Christ Almighty mango says opening a door you walk through it with mango and ash keeps following you.

That's a joke what is a joke is how you take care of rabbit at this rate she'll be killed under your supervision Ash yells at mango. You freeze hearing her words and mango stops walking being in the main hall there's other ops who heard the yelling from Ash. At least I try instead of just sitting and watching you would watch rabbit be attacked before you did anything since your such a good caretaker why don't you try my job and if you wanna talk useless look in a fucking mirror mango yells. No yelling please you say.

Maybe I will next time you see rabbit won't be in a helicopter coming from a prison skank rat Ash yells. Useless red head is all you are do something useful to everyone and not rush head first into the gunfire you won't come back one time you know it now shut up woman mango keeps yelling. Maybe you shouldn't be a idiot and not kill any hostage you are supposed to save Ash yells. Your heart starts to race and you drop to your knees covering your ears mumbling to yourself.

Your eyes are closed as you are on your knees holding your ears trying to block out the yelling. Daddy no please you yells and are crying on the ground. There's no sounds to be heard your lifted off the ground and carried. You bring whoever is carrying you a hug and keep crying the person who is carrying you is now laying on a bed as you lay on there chest keeping the grip of the hug tight as you try to pull yourself together.

I'm sorry I am weak you say and let go of the person and just lay on the person not wanting to move anymore. I was clean Caveira says being the person who brought you away from the yelling. This confuses you a bit and you sit up not knowing to be worried or not. I'm sorry you say sitting up being handed a tissue you blow your nose some dried blood comes out but you pay it no mind.

We all have our weak moments Caveira says trying to have sympathy for you in your current state of being. Not you, you have those always bad ass moments even when you sit down it's like an action movie you say. You watch to many movies with rook Caveira says. Doc walks in his face is red from annoyance. Dismissed is all doc has to say and Caveira walks out not to be there anymore.

What happened to you doc says putting his gun on his desk. Mango and ash you say trying to keep your voice from shaming. I know what happened rabbit I had a talk with them both I made mango cry explaining what I told him Ash is going home for a few days to calm down and think... mango refused to leave you alone doc says and sits next to you with a box of tissues in hand you grab one and blow your nose again.

Doc why am I weak mentally and physically you ask and doc just sits there being silent. Mina your permanently emotionally scarred from what you have lived through there's times you'll be tougher than nails and times you'll be weaker then doms pull out game doc says and the door opens with bandit flipping him the bird. Close the door please doc says and bandit closes the door.

What will help me be stronger longer you ask. Doc sits there for a minute thinking what was this flashback about rabbit doc asks. My parents they argued all the time when sober so it was rare but they went at it for hours saying harsh things before I was either beaten or some physical contact you say with a shiver.

If it helps rabbit I want to bring you to that house that you left behind not for any reason other than it helps with this kind of trauma I will be there so will Caveira as you two seem to have grown a bond and I will be taking notes it's my job doc says and stands up. Doc I'm scared to go back there mango was right I'm not ready you say and doc looks at you. You told fuze you wanted to go there no? Doc asks confused.

I do but mango was right I'm not strong enough to go there it will hurt me more than help me what if he is right you say and doc puts his gun in the desk. He can't fight me on this I'm the doctor he will know what is going on doc says and you stand up leaving doc's office you stick close to doc. As ops come and go from mission to mission to food then sleep.

D-doc who's that you ask and doc takes a look at the person you pointed out. What you never met echo actually seems logical he's a weeb doc says and eats his food. I am not a weeb robots just happen to do it better and just because I like anime doesn't mean that echo says. What's anime you whisper to doc. Echo jumps from his seat and runs over to you and doc he jumps into the seat next to you jump out of the seat you shake your hand as it got pinched between the chairs.

You asked doc says and continues to eat his food you sit back down and echo puts on some kind of colorful thing in his phone. You watch lost on what's going on in the show with the bright colors and big boob people you get out of the seat. Wow not even five minutes echo says.

You lost your touch doc says. It's the best part sit watch echo says. No thank you I need to see if mango is okay you say. Why don't you just let him rest today and tomorrow I'll make you sushi breakfast echo says.

You look to doc what's sushi you ask. It's cold fish but your allergic to fish so no sushi for you doc says walking you to your room that's been ransacked and tossed around you walk in before doc and grab your rifle off the ground.

The sight is broken the barrel is bent and the stock is split. My gun you say looking at the broken rifle. What happened in here doc says checking the closet. You see if the gun is loaded you try to pulls the bolt back but it don't move. Doc we need to get this outside before it goes off its loaded you say walking out of the room being careful as possible. Doc walks ahead of you making sure no one will be hurt following doc you get outside to the gun range you place the gun on the table.

I'll get the tools you need to dissemble it doc says and runs into the base keeping the bend barrel facing down the range you hope nothing bad happens. What's up rook says and scares the hell out of you. I'm sorry Julien but this is a very bad time you say. What's wrong rook asks.

Someone destroyed my room and broke my rifle I'm not sure who or why you say and doc returns with some tools he borrowed from everyone to see what one fits and what one doesn't.

you use the larger ones first to try and free the trigger dissembly by taking the broken stock off small pieces at a time when the gun goes off unexpectedly the bullet hits the side of the base and the rifle slams into your stomach with enough force to knock you to the ground doc and rook check on you.

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