Chapter 2: Welcome To Duel Academy

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Olivia's POV
We're Currently on a helicopter to duel academy and I can't wait I'm so exited I'm literally bouncing in my chair Syrus is starting out the window and Jaden is sleeping as a voice comes over the speakers

"Attention new duel academy students if you look outside your windows you'll see your new home away from home, now I know your excited but please don't shove, now then fasten your seatbelts we're going in to land next stop Academy Island"
Olivia's POV
We're all currently stood in an assembly hall everyone either wearing a Red, Yellow or Blue jackets as a man appears on the screen.

"Good morning and welcome student I'm Chancellor Sheppard head master here and you are the best and brightest young duelists in the world"

I then hear snoring and see Jaden next to me asleep standing up. I giggle to myself before turning back to the chancellor

"Now please get yourself settled into your establishments I think you'll find them quite comfortable, depending on your rank that is he then chuckles to himself before the screen goes blank I look down to see Jaden, Syrus and Me all in Red
'Huh I don't see any other girls in red'
But I make my way out of the hall with Syrus and now an awake Jaden
'How did he know when to wake up?'

We make our way out of the building to these stone statues just outside the entrance and we are all on our D-pads I believe they called them as Jaden announces
"Well I don't know about you two but I'm in the slifer red dorm"
Syrus looks up
"That's cool same with me"
I then look up
"Oh yeah me too!"
That bastion guy then walked up to us as Jaden asked him
"Hey are you in the slifer red dorm too?"
He then looks down to his uniform
"Now let's see here Yellow sleeves, yellow buttons I don't think so"
'Now the colours make sense'
Jaden then gasps
"Oh I see so that's why Sy, Liv and I are in red"
'Wait when did Jaden give me a nickname we've know each other for like 2 hours'
Bastion then frowns
"Please don't tell me you only just figured that out"
Jaden then snaps back
"So what ever think I'm colour blind"
'Wow was not expecting that'
But bastion reply's calmly
"I don't know are you colour blind ?"
Jaden then smiles
"Nope but I could've been"
'Now that's what I was expecting'
Jaden then waves to bastion
"See you around the dorms"
Bastion then turns back to us
"I don't think so your dorms are over there"
He then points over to the edge of the island so we all start making our way over there
Olivia's POV
When we make it to the slifer red dorms Syrus is the first to comment as we take a look
"This isn't a dorm it's an outhouse with a deck"
But Jaden and I are around the back so I shout to Syrus
"Maybe but checkout the view! It's amazing !"
We then make our way over to our actual rooms I go to my door and turn to the boys "Well looks like we're neighbours"
Jaden turns to me
"Sweet !"
I then open my door and walk into my new home to see a bunk bed to the right a desk to my left and a window directly in front of me. I then take in a big breath of air
"I'm think I'm gonna like it here"
but before I can finish unpacking I hear a scream from my new neighbours so I decide to go and investigate.

I knock on their door and Jaden answers it letting me in
"Oh hey Liv !"
I smile
"Hey Jaden is everything ok in here I heard screaming ?"
He nods and looks towards their beds
"Just meeting our room mate"
I nod and smile towards the boy on the top bunk
"Hi I'm Olivia Nice to meet you"
he looks over
"nice to meet you too I'm Chumley by the way, now let me explain how this whole colour thing works"
I then nod
He then lies back down on his bed

"You got three kinds of students here: The Obelisk Blues, Ra Yellows, and the Slifer Reds"
We all nod and he continues
"Now the blues are the highest ranking students some are their through grades others through connections, the Ra yellow students are second highest mostly full of younger student with high potential, then theirs us the red wonders"
'The way he said that makes it sound like a bad thing'
Syrus then gasps
"Red wonders thats a cool name"
but Chumley shoots that idea down
"As in I wonder how flunkies like us ever get this far maybe, yeah sorry but we're bottom of the barrel here"
After that little speech We decide to do a little exploring so we head out but syrus looks a bit depressed and it seems like Jaden picked up on it too
"Ah come on don't tell me your still depressed ?"
Syrus then looks up
"But Chumley said we red duelists are the worst"
Jaden then looks up
"forget that I mean reds a sweet colour"
I then jump in
"he's right plus now we have motivation to get to the top think about it if you start at the top then you have no where to go plus Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" Jaden then jumps back in
"She's right we're gonna overtake those blue in no time"
We then run towards the main building with Syrus trailing behind and we stumble into a duelling arena and gasp at the size of it but a voice interrupts us
"This is the blue obelisks campus"
these two boys in obelisk blue jackets stand in front of us and the one on the right continues his friends sentence
"You slifer rejects aren't welcome here you got that, check out the crest"
the first voice was an obelisk with blue hair and glasses and the second voice was another obelisk with brown hair. The blue haired obelisk then spoke up again
"this is our turf"
Syrus then begins stuttering
"Sorry we were just looking around but we'll leave now right Jaden, Liv ?"
Jaden then scratches his head
"we don't have to leave Sy"
I then continue
"Yeah we don't have to leave not yet anyways"
Jaden then looks at the two obelisks
"that is until one of you two beats me in a duel"
I then turn to them both
"in that case I'll take the other one"
I then smile but the blue haired obelisk looks at the two of us slightly shocked He then turns to Jaden
"Hey your that kid that beat Crowler"
he then turns to me
"And your the girl with the frost and flame dragon"
the guy with brown hair then looks up to the stands
"Hey Chazz that guy who beat Crowler and the girl with that dragon are here check it out" I then look up into the stands to see another obelisk with black hair and a cocky smirk on his face and judging by what the other two just called him his name is Chazz. Jaden then waves
"Oh hey my name is Jaden"
He then points to me
"And this is Liv what's up?"
He then turns to the other two obelisks
"and his name was Chez wasn't it ?"
The blue haired guy then looks at Jaden
"his name is Chazz Princeton and he was the number one duelist at duel prep school so you better pay him the proper respect got it !"
I then hold my hand to my chest in fake shock "Oh I'm so sorry"
I then drop my little act and narrow my eyes at them
"How about he earns my respect first"
the one with brown hair then turns to me
"Hey you better watch your mouth girl he's gonna be the next king of games"
Jaden then crossed his arms
"Impossible because I'm gonna be the next king of games"
I then smile
"I don't think so Jaden because I'm aiming to be the first Queen of games so you better watch your back"
Jaden then smiles back at me as the two obelisks in front of us laugh
"Yeah right two slifer slackers like you that'll be the day"
Chazz then shouts down from the stands
"Can it you two! Maybe the new kids are right, he did beat Crowler and she passed her entrance duel by only losing 500 Life Points. I suppose that takes some skills to pull off. Or was it luck? I say we find out right now"
Me and Jaden then both step forward
"Your On !/Bring it !"
But before we can start we hear a girls voice from behind us
"Well this sure is a motley crew"
A girl in an obelisk blue's uniform with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes walks up to us with her arms crossed.
Chazz then addresses the girl
"Hey Alexis come here just to see me mop the floor with my new friends Jaden and Olivia here ? They will be short duels but entertaining ones for sure"
she then turns to Chazz and says in an irritated voice
"I'm here to remind you about the obelisk's welcome dinner Your late"
he just sighs
"Oh yeah, come on guys"
Alexis then turns to us
"Sorry about him all of us obelisks aren't like that he's just a jerk especially with slifer's" Jaden just shrugs
"eh it's no big deal, those types never bothered me anyway besides I could beat him in one turn"
Syrus then looks worried
"Were gonna have to work on that over confidence"
Jaden then tries to compromise
"ok two turns, umm two and a half"
I then laugh as does Alexis
"The slifer welcome dinner is about to start"
I then turn to the boys
"Oh yeah we better go"
we then begin running as Syrus trails behind "hey wait up!"
Jaden then turns around
"Oh yeah what was your name again?"
She then shouts down to us
"Alexis Rhodes and yours"
Jaden then shouts back
"the names Jaden"
I then turn around and raise my hand
"names Olivia"
Alexis nods and we run towards the slifer dorms with syrus shouting behind us
"Aren't you gonna introduce me ?"
Olivia's POV
We were all sat at the slifer welcome dinner and I was correct I am the only girl in this dorm but that's fine just means I have extra motivation to get to the top.

Our dorm head master then walks in to greet us
"Hello children I'm professor Lyon Banner and I'd like you each to tell us something about you"
Jaden voice is then heard from beside me "This stuffs good"
professor banner then makes his way over to us and Syrus looks worried but banner then looks from Jaden to everyone else
"Well since some of us don't feel like waiting Let's just eat"
and everyone does exactly that.

After our meal we make our way back to our dorms and I decide to go to bed since I'm pretty tired but in the middle of the night I hear a thud and look out of the window in my door to see Jaden and Syrus wondering off somewhere so I decide to put on my uniform and make my way to the main building after them since I know where their going. But on my way to the arena I became lost and began wondering the halls. Oh and turns out there's security on campus so I begin sneaking from corridor to corridor until
"What are you doing in the halls at this time!" Before I can freak out I see Alexis so I turn to her
"I could say the same about you but have you seen Jaden and syrus?"
She shakes her head
"I'm heading to the arena now Chazz isn't one to let things go so easily"
I nod
"I saw the boys leaving the dorm and decided to make my way over to the match but I got lost"
Alexis then smiles at me
"In that case I'm surprised you didn't get caught by security"
I then scratch my neck in embarrassment
"I nearly did actually"
she then shakes her head and begins walking "come on then we need to warn the boys about security"
we both then make our way to the arena.

But when we walk in Chazz activates a trap card but before it takes effect we walk up to them
"I thought I'd find you lot here, Syrus then turns to us Alexis? Olivia?"
Alexis then begins explaining the trap but I'm not listening instead I look at Jaden's field and hand
'Not bad, But Not too good either'
I then turn to Alexis
"I'm gonna scout the halls for security"
she nods and I make my way out but after a few minutes I hear a guard
"I can hear voices from the arena"
I gasp and start making my way back to the arena as I then run into the arena
"Guys we got company"
Jaden then looks over
Alexis then explains
"Campus security if they find us we're gonna be seriously busted"
Syrus shouts out in shock but Jaden seems a little confused
"but why were all students here?"
Alexis then pulls out her D-pad and explains "It says in the rules no off hour duelling. Chazz knows that but let me guess he didn't tell you" Chazz then runs off with his lackeys but Jaden's refusing to move. Alexis then shows us a secret passage out of the arena and she turns to Jaden
"Your pretty stubborn Jaden"
Said duelist then crosses his arms
"Only about my duelling"
Alexis then says
"Sorry you didn't get to finish your match with Chazz"
Jaden shrugs
"no worries I know how it would have ended any way"
now Alexis crosses her arms
"really cause it looked like the match could have gone either way"
Jaden then holds up a card and I gasp as he shows a monster reborn card and explains "Not after I drew this"
Jaden then begins walking back to the dorms and waves
"see ya"
I wave to her as well
"Thanks for the help"
she nods as Syrus Chases after us again and we make our way back to the dorm.
I make my way into my dorm room and get changed back into my Pyjamas ready to go to bed but before I get into bed I hear a voice call out my name but it was faint almost an angelic whisper I then opened a drawer in my desk to see my Deck as a glowing outline of a person appears before me I then blink a couple of times to clear my vision and see a duel spirit one I recognise as well and I whisper under my breath still in shock
"Crystal Girl"
and said spirit turns to me and nods with a little giggle that sounds almost child like.

My mouth is left agape as I stare at the spirit but she speaks to me in a very soft almost angelic voice
"I mean you no harm Olivia I simply want to help and protect you along with your other cards."
I nod still unable to speak and she says
"Your not the only one who can see spirits, Jaden can too but he doesn't know it yet"
I nod finally finding my voice I ask
"How come I haven't seen you before ?"
She just shrugs
"I don't know"
this causes me to giggle a little bit but it is followed by a yawn. Crystal girl then floats? Flys? Towards me and says
"you better go to bed Olivia you have had a long day we shall discuss this after your classes tomorrow ok?"
I nod rubbing my eyes
and she disappears back into her card. I then whisper
"Now that was unexpected, What a strange first day"
I then get into bed and drift off to sleep.

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