The Prince

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I walk across the garden, taking in the cool breeze and gentle sun. Whatever I can, with the hour of freedom father has bestowed upon me. Green metal catches my eye. It arranges itself in the shape of a roof. I walk closer to the structure, as the bushes and flowers partway to reveal a greenhouse. The door's ajar.

My legs follow down the cobble path, into the greenhouse. Once in, I'm greeted by the scent of all my favourite flowers. Warm colours of my favourite flowers welcome me. Each petal is outstretched towards the sun, reaching with all its might. I catch sight of a little wooden workstation, shaded by thick vines that found home on a part of the greenhouse.

Curious, I walk towards the worn table, noticing the cut stems, stray leaves and abandoned petals. A couple of carnations lie on the bench, a little wrinkled. I pout at the sight and gently place them in the empty tubs of water below. Only then I notice a short and sweet hum.

I turn to see the man. The man with brown hair. His garden hat, usually atop his head when I'm up at my balcony, hangs loosely from his neck. He cheerfully hums to himself. The same type of carnations I pouted at are carefully poked into a flower arrangement, with a flower in the centre missing. It rims a familiar flower pot. My bedroom flower pot.

"That's gorgeous," I say, taking a step closer to sniff the arrangement. Instead, I breathe in pine.

The man jumps, quickly turning around. Bright beautiful brown eyes, a little dirt on his high nose...beautiful, man.

"Your, your highness, good afternoon!" He quickly bows.

"No need for you're the one doing all those beautiful bouquets..."

"You flatter me, your highness. I only do those--"

"That has a rose in the centre."

He looks at me, cheeks as pink as the carnations. His eyes catch the sun, glittering. I open my mouth, but lose all words. We stand in silence, between the pounding of my heart and the muffled sounds of birds in the distance.

"It'll be teatime soon, your highness."

"So it seems."

"This must be delivered to your quarters."

"I can walk you there."

He stares at me blankly.

"I'll give you the day off. Let's have a chat."


Quinn here with a whole headcanon. I wanted to make this a story, but I can't think of a plot that's interesting enough for it to be a story. I originally planned:

Day in life of prince > his adversities > notices the flowers > notices the gardens > notices a garden boy > father allows him one hour of freedom > explores castle > explores garden > meets garden boy he took note of > fall in love > ???????

Not only the end is unclear, but the beginning is rather bland, to me at least, which is eh. I have enough on my plate already hahah. So, maybe one day. But not today! 


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