Saving you

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I stand surrounded by green. Nature blares at me as I try to gather my bearings, reaching out for something, anything.

All around me is green. I reach out to be grazed by leaves and twigs. A chilly wind sways them, sways me. The sun slowly retracts its rays, dulling the forest I stand in.

Slowly, I take my first few steps forward. They are cushioned by the mossy floor. It calms my nerves, it brings me some ease.

I begin walking through the forest tunnel, forward, closer, somewhere.

Soon I reach a blinding clearing. When I squint open my eyes, I'm greeted by darkness.

The trees are withered, twisted and dead. The ground is dry, populated by dried grass. Howls of starving animals echo across the abandoned wood.

Finally, I remember why I'm here.

I run through the horrifying wood, the traumatising wood, the wood that shaped me. I run and run, ignoring the call of evil, ignoring the owl hoots that used to scare us.

My leg catches onto something, sending me tumbling. Rocks, branches, roots. They all hit me as I roll down the dirt path, until a boulder halts my journey.

I slowly clamber up, spitting out a bout of blood. A glimmer in the distance catches my eye. Could it be?

I swallow my pain and break into a sprint, dashing towards that sparkling glimmer. The trees twist wayward to reveal him. Finally, I've found you.

He's battered and bruised, chained to the ground. His breaths are rasp, his head hangs low. I step closer to him.

"Alex? Alex, are you alright?" He looks deathly pale.

"I'm fine, Zadeph. I'm...fine." He slumps onto me, his staggered breaths warm my skin. "A-Are... you okay?"

"I'm fine...I'm fine." Tears trickle down my face as I cradle his head, stroking his soft, dirtied, brown locks.

We'll be fine...we'll be alright. We'll be safe.

"I'm sorry it took me so long. Let's get out of here."

As I reach behind to melt his chains, a sharp pain explodes at the back of my head.

No, no, no.

The world blackens, as I feel my head thump the rocky cobble.

Part 2? I really like the linked song. I'm drawn to it. It appeals to me. It attracts me. It calls to me.

Quinn's in a sad place at the moment. It's of them times, you know? I'd love to put my sad thoughts here but the thing is...I don't understand much of what's going through my head at the moment. Like I just look at something and it invokes a sour feeling in my heart. It really be like that sometimes. I'll get over it.

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