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|ashtons point of view|

-four years later-

why did she have to leave me. we fought so hard to keep our relationship going. then all of a sudden she just breaks it off?

now she wants me to take care of our daughter on my own. she never liked me before, what makes her think our daughter will like me now?


"ash, i need you to come pick taylor up, i'm leaving tonight." she harshly spoke through the phone.

"what the fuck do you mean your leaving tonight?, i can't just take care of her on my own she fucking hates me." i yelled through the small device in my hand.

"and that's my fault?, you're the one who said you'd be in her life, but you weren't,  you were out chasing other girls." she huffed, i could tell she was crying, "and don't you dare say that we fought long and hard for this relationship, cause we both know that you didn't give two flying fucks about us." she was crying more now.

what have i done?, i never realized how much she was hurting. how stupid of me to think i was doing the right thing.

"madison, i'm sorry i-"

"don't even bother saying shit ashton, i want you to come get taylor now." she huffed.

i reluctantly grabbed my gray sweater and put on my converse.

how was i supposed to care of her if she hates me.

why does she hate me?, oh yeah cause i'm a shit dad.

i quickly drove over to madisons house.

i knocked on the door only to reveal an angry madison, with a sleeping taylor in her arms.

"here's her things, call me tomorrow so i can see how's she's doing." she handed taylor over to me.

just as i was about to leave, she called me back.



"i'm counting on you" she stared at me for a few seconds before going back inside and slamming the door shut.

"alright,  please don't wake up until we get home." i whispered in hopes that she would just stay asleep.


we finally reached home, and she was still sleeping which brought me time to take a hot shower.

after i took a shower i stepped out and got into comfortable clothes.

"mommy?" i heard a sweet innocent voice call from the other room.

it only made my heart break knowing what was coming, once again she hates me so this won't be good.

i walked into her room dreading this moment.

"hey, love mommy isn't here." i replied to her.

"but, i want mommy, i don't want you." she started crying.

great, what she said only made me feel more hurt.

"i know but-"

she turned away from me, indicating i leave.

i stood up from beside her and left the room.

why do four year olds have to be so complicated.


a/n: i ended the chapter like that cause...i felt like it, and don't worry their relationship won't be like this for long.

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