Chapter Two

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I sigh in boredom as I dust the great hall. Falling into my usual dull routine, dust flick shake, dust flick shake. Doing it again, and again, and again. Moving from the windows to the tables, before dusting the old gadgets and gizmos on their white podiums and their little bronze-ish plaques. I study the gadget with its round corners and wide body, the four little buttons a black front and a grayish apple on the back. It was impossible to find out what it was. "Oh man I wish I could read!" I thought. I sigh and then go back to my work.

Once I finish my work in the great hall I moved through the hallways dusting the statues and I shudder in disgust as I dust the "art" on the walls. You see most of the "art" on the walls are just decorated cameras. And the cameras are there just so that the superiors always know what we're doing. Besides the artwork on the walls there are many doors along the hallway. I look and see a door that is slightly ajar. I pause and move to close it when a voice floats out. The voice was thick and deep and it sounded frustrated. "What do you mean it's not ready!?" Says the voice. "I mean it isn't ready yet!" Says another voice this one anxious and scared as if afraid that the owner of the other voice was going to hurt them. For a second I debated staying and listening to the conversation but decide against it. Instead I turn and walk away as fast as I can without looking suspicious.

As I lay in bed that night I consider the conversation that I overheard earlier today. The message rings in my head making it impossible for me to sleep. I roll onto my back and groan in frustration. I wince as a loud "SHHHH!" comes from someone else in the room. 'And there's my cue to be quiet.' I think to myself. Instead of continuing to wonder about the conversation I decide to shrug it off and sleep. "Goodnight Vargen." I whisper to my stuffed dog before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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