BTS As Littles

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Age(s): 2-3
Comfort Object: His pastel pink pacifier/paci/binkie/etc.
-Doesn't say much.
-Really aloof.
-Rarely smiles.
-Grabs at anything that piques his interest. (Which could become very dangerous depending on what he's grabbing.)
-Has NO common sense.
-Surprisingly potty trained, though.
-Needs to be fed because he'll make a mess if he isn't.
-Has no coordination and constantly trips/falls.
-He always gets up right after with a blank face, though.
-Oh, but he'll cry when he isn't given things he wants.
-Often throws random tantrums and screams for no reason and won't stop until one of the members does something funny or weird enough to distract him.
-Has to show anything he likes or finds interesting to the members.
-Onesies ftw. (The animal ones that cover your whole body, not the ones you button at the crotch. Sheesh, that would be uncomfortable.)
-"Wook." (Look.)

Age(s): 0-3
Comfort Object: His blanket and bottle.
-Cries a whole dang lot over everything and anything.
-Needs cuddles 24/7.
-A diaper, a pacifier, fluffy pajama pants with cute prints on it, and a light colored shirt are a must.
-Needs a lot of naps, too.
-Crawls around everywhere. (He can walk, but he prefers not to.)
-Throws and/or purposefully drops anything he can get his hands on.
-Low-key naughty.
-Crocodile tears is to be expected with Little Yoongi.
-Materialistic in the sense that he gets bored of his toys and plushes super fast and always needs new ones.
-His memory is kinda bad when he's Little, though, so all the members need to do is just hide some toys and plushes, then pull them out after a while (and proceed to hide another set of toys and plushes in the meantime) to make them seem new to Yoongi.
-"'M NOT MAD!!!!"
Age(s): 5-6
Comfort Object(s): His colorful bracelets that he made with the members.
-Actually very shy and quiet as a Little.
-Always hiding behind things and blushing.
-Loves watching cute movies with the members.
-Easy to impress.
-Never gets tired of the same things he loves and/or finds funny.
-Is notorious for listening to 'Baby Shark' over 100 times.
-Cries whenever anything's too loud, which is kinda ironic, but okay.
-Needs to cuddle someone to sleep.
-Just, overall, very sensitive and UwU.
-Prone to anxiety attacks.
-Will only calm down if he's hugged and given a plushie to clutch onto.
-Dances very VERY clumsily, but still loves dancing all the same. (The members have to keep praising him, though, or else he'll get too shy to continue dancing.)
-Will also sing happily by himself when he thinks no one is around. (He'd never sing while knowing the members are listening.)
-"H-Hobie is ... happy ... ehe."

Age(s): 8-10
Comfort Object: His crab plush, Crabby.
-More of a Middle than a Little.
-His fascination towards everything grows by tenfold.
-Loves crabs way too much (NOT AS FOOD, THOUGH.)
-All his Little Space belongings have crab designs on them.
-The type who wakes up big whenever he sleeps while Little.
-A tad bit louder than his Big self.
-Has to be fed by one of the members because he's always too caught up in whatever he's doing.
-His focus wavers often when Little.
-Doesn't have a lisp, but trips over his words more often.
-Nah, man. That's for Big Namjoon.
-Picture books ftw.
-Bright, oversized shirts and shorts are a must.
-Oh, and cute, fluffy socks.
-Can be left to his own devices for extended periods of time. (He's smart enough to know what's dangerous and whatnot.)
-Doesn't want too much cuddles. (He would rather play games with the members.)
-Cries whenever characters in books or shows are even remotely sad in any way. (Sobs a freaking ocean when a nice character dies.)
-"I'm a BIG boy!!"

Age(s): 4-6
Comfort Object: His brown, fluffy hoodie with animal ears on it.
-Constantly forgets the 'inside voice' rule.
-Difficult little brat.
-Refuses bath times and nap times.
-Constantly pranking the members.
-Cries when his pranks don't work out right.
-(So, even though Jungkook can clearly see the bucket of water above the door, he has to suck it up and pretend he didn't.)
-Will only behave once food is around because food is life.
-Always rolling around.
-Gets bruised often, but is too busy having fun to even feel any of them (his Big self is a different story, though ...)
-Cackles at anything (it's very easy to get him to laugh.)
-Honestly, he's a cute, spoiled little brat.
-No pacifiers or bottles for this "big" boi.

Age(s): 6-8
Comfort Object (not an object!): Yeontan.
-Also sort of more like a Middle.
-HAS to be hugging the members or holding a members' hand or Yeontan no matter what.
-A very messy eater.
-Falls asleep super fast anywhere in any position.
-Talkative af.
-Greets everyone and everything (yes, even inanimate objects like a lamp.)
-Loves watching kid's shows and singing along to the songs, but ridicules the characters whenever they're being stupid and feels uber proud of himself and how "smart" he is when he does.
-Sometimes falls into Pet Space and plays with Yeontan like a fellow dog.
-Loves bath time and nap time.
-However, he demands a story before bed.
-Whines a lot.
-Cries only when he's extremely upset/angry.
-Is a very good boi.
-"Tae Tae loves Tannie because Tannie is cute and Tae Tae loves Tannie and Tannie has black-ish fur and eyebrows and–ehehehehe-Tae Tae loves Tannie eyebrows because Tannie look cute and funny with eyebrows and Tae Tae also–"

Age(s): 0-1
Comfort Object: His teethers.
-MUST wear diapers when Little.
-Needs toy blocks and LOTS of plushes.
-Speaks in gibberish and grunts.
-Seriously can't walk.
-Loves being carried, which is difficult for the members, lol.
-(This sounds mean, but–) Little Koo sucks at everything.
-Also has ZERO coordination and lacks a whole lot of focus needed for just about anything.
-Puts anything and everything in his mouth.
-It seems Little Koo doesn't think about much.
-It's very easy to make him laugh (or giggle, rather.)
-An oversized sweater with cute prints on it and a diaper is all he needs.
-Taehyung loves putting Little Koo's hair up in ponytails/pigtails/twintails and Little Koo never seems to mind.
-Loves watching baby shows/cartoons.
-Is still in the process of figuring out that the circle block doesn't go into the square shaped hole in his toy sets.
-Can hardly crawl.
-Forgets things super fast/moves on from things super fast.
-Easily gets bored of things.
-Can only say "Koo" when referring to himself. Other than that, he can't really say anything else no matter how much the members tries to teach him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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