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He knew he was mated and this was what was going to be for the rest of his life but somehow he still wished for something more. Something that would make him feel precious.

Taehyung didn't like it. Being restricted for every small thing. Being downgraded everytime. Never being able to make a decision for himself.

"Do you know those guys were all rogues before?" Jin continued suddenly all serious "be careful with them.. Stay away if possible. Don't know what kind of trouble they bring"

The omega was overwhelmed. This was the first time an alpha cared for him.

Someone who cared enough to go against the norm, against the pack leader fully aware that this might have bad consequences.

Or maybe not staying away from the alpha would have the best consequences



Hey. So this is the first time I've published something I have written. Although I wrote stories many times,  I never posted them anywhere. This time I finally got enough confidence to do that.

I hope you give this book a

Any similarities with other books is not intentional

Please don't be rude if you don't like it.

Thank you

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