He steps closer to me and grabs my wrist, pulling on it lightly. "I don't think you should be out here alone with him." His eyebrows are in the position where one knows it is anger. He's going to be pouty about this, huh?

"Parad, I don't want to be seen with you. Not with him here."

"Is there something wrong about being near me?" he asks, getting closer to my face and looking me in the eyes. "Are you embarrassed to be seen with a Bugster like me? Are you forgetting what we were to each other?"

I shake my head. "No, I wouldn't forget that. Parad, I still care a lot about you, okay? But we weren't in love with each other at all."

"Liar. You love me and you know it." He's just not going to give up is he?

I toss my purse onto the seat and sigh heavily. "What are you going to do with me? I know you don't want to be in here with us and these workers. You know, where do you want to go?" I question.

"I want to go to the park that isn't too far from here. Are you up for a walk?" He moves a bit back, getting out of my face. I am glad that he's giving me space to breathe right now.

"Hey, what are you doing with my girlfriend?" 

I look over as Emu stops beside us. Okay, this is bad. He's going to wonder why Parad is all over me like he is now.

"Your girlfriend? Are you the one she's really thinking of when you're with her?" Parad asks him, still holding onto me. 

Emu glares at him. "She's the one I think about and that is what matters to me. I can careless if you're the one she used to want or still wants. Elkie is old enough to know what she wants to do with herself and if she wants to date me, she'll date me. Deal with it."

"I'm the one who has her heart. Do you know what, Ex-Aid?" 

"What, Parad?" 

"I'm the one she thinks about when she's with you. She probably hasn't actually given you a thought. I'm the one she thinks of because I'm her type of guy due to her other world. Do you think she'll be willing to actually settle on you? I give you a week."

I sigh, looking away. "Parad, please not right now. You can fight with Emu about this some other time, but we're on a date and want privacy." Not like he's going to care, but it is worth a shot. I want to have an amazing date with Emu right now. 

I don't know why I even bothered dating someone before Emu right now. I'm causing a huge mess because of it now. Of course, I can blame Kuroto right now. He is the one who told me to ditch Parad and I did it. 

"I don't care what you want right now because I'm fired up. I am mad at him for stealing you from me," Parad tells me. He's just going to be a child about this?

"Parad, please." 

"Elkie, let him be mad about it. Not everyone is going to be happy with us being happy together. Some people are just salty haters," Emu says, sounding cute. I love it when he talks like that. I love calling people salty too, but when I play games online and no one can hear me. 

Parad releases my wrist. "Emu, I wish to challenge you for her heart." Wo-ah, what?

"Huh? Why would you even want to do that?" I can't believe him right now. I'm the one who is supposed to call the shots!

"Hey, she's able to decide for herself!" Emu exclaims. He's not wrong, but Parad just doesn't get it. He thinks of everything in a different way from us.

Parad doesn't understand that he doesn't control things. He sees this as a game and probably always will. I doubt he actually developed feelings for me. If he did, I would notice, right? 

"Alright, I will let her date you for a week and then see if she has changed her mind. If she has, I'll gladly welcome her back to my arms." I look at Parad as he grins. "We all know she'll pick a real winner to date her." He's acting like this is some game, but I did treat it like one. 

"Hey, your order is ready!" One of the workers shouts. 

"Fine, Parad. But you'll just see us happily walking away because her own choice to be with me willingly," Emu replies, glaring. "Elkie, can you go and grab the food right now?" 

I point at myself. "Right now? You need to be alone to glare at each other?" They can glare at each other while I am right here.

"I think I should go then. You both can get your food together and hold hands while I watch from afar. I'll keep tabs on you both to see if you ever get bored of each other. After all, you're not as exciting and thrilling as I am." Parad teleports, fading into pixels of colors. He has his own pixel thing, which no one else has it seems. Must differ depending on the kind of Bugster. 

"What is his deal?"

I look down, putting my hands together. "Uh...before I got with you, I was sort of seeing him. It sort of just happened and it ended quickly." I think my relationship is about to end right now. Goodbye, love!

"Oh, he's the ex-boyfriend? No wonder why you two didn't last," Emu comments, chuckling a bit. "I thought I had some actual competition."

I look up at him. "You're not mad?" I ask, probably looking like I'm in shock. Well, I am sort of in shock right now. He isn't going to break up with me over this?

He places his hands on my shoulders and leans forward a bit, grinning. "Why would I get mad over who you want to date? It'll be different if it was Kuroto though. I don't think I could tolerate dating someone who dated him."

"Tell me about it." I smile. "I'm so happy to know that. I was getting ready to embrace a breakup and I was about to get ready to run out of here crying my eyes out." I don't want to lose him yet. I will get ready for it if I have to leave this world.

"I'm going to grab our food now. I'll be right back." He removes his hands from my shoulders and grin. I hope that he kisses me soon. I really would want one that isn't in my drunken memory.

I have a week now to make Parad give up on me. How am I going to make that happen? Why can't Kuroto just tell him to move on to something else? He has toys he can play with instead of bothering me, right?

Goodness! What a mess!

A/n: A short chapter, but I want to keep the drama going between the three of them. Next chapter should have show stuff (if I want it to that is). I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the delay of getting this out, but I was trying to figure out the best way to keep this all going and I think this is it. Also, Emu, grow a pair and kiss the girl!

Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora