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Jisung wasn't so sure what he was thinking when he had agreed to Chan that he'd go with him to the gym.

It's not like Jisung hated the gym—maybe he was, everyone there would be wearing sleeveless shirts and drenched in sweat and Jisung thought it was disgusting but Chan didn't have to know that—it's just that gym was never his thing.

Sure, Jisung had went there a couple of times but he didn't really enjoyed doing exercises. He got tired easily and since he wasn't used to do it, he often having a hard time to sleep from how tired he was.

Today, though, he had somehow agreed to go to the gym with Chan. It was only because Chan had promised he would buy him ice cream later, and who is Jisung to say no to free ice cream?

And that was why they were now here at the gym. Chan had been doing the work out for almost an hour and it was almost eleven in the afternoon and Jisung just couldn't wait for another hour.

"Chan, I think we really should go now. Your legs might fall off if you continue for another hour."

Chan could only sighed because Jisung was right. They had been at the gym since like, seven in the morning and it's eleven already.

"Fine, let me just clean up and get change." Chan said, before taking his stuff and got changed. Jisung didn't even know that you could do such thing in a gym.

You could shower in a gym?

Jisung shrugged it off and nodded. He decided to wait for his best friend outside since he couldn't bare seeing more sweaty bodies. And it wasn't like he was doing any workout whatsoever, he had been sitting there for almost five hours and he didn't think he could sit for another hour.

Outside, he noticed that the weather wasn't too hot like he had expected. In fact, it was a bit cloudy and Jisung started to doubt that getting ice cream was a great idea.

About ten minutes later, Chan came out of the gym, looking all fresh. Chan looked at his best friend who was still looking up at the sky and when Chan did the same, he decided that there would be no ice cream for today. Free or not.

"Maybe we should get the ice cream next time, Sung."

Chan felt bad, of course. He had dragged his best friend here, and even promised him free ice cream, but ended up not getting it at the end.

Jisung nodded and kept his head down. He really wanted an ice cream today. Why did the weather had to ruin it?

"Hey, I can still treat you lunch." Chan said, attempting to cheer his best friend up but certainly, that didn't work as Jisung just shrugged and let out a small sure.

Chan sighed once again. He didn't like it when he couldn't keep his promises, especially when it came to his best friend, Jisung, because he would be all excited about it and it was also because Chan never once broken his promises with Jisung. Well, he had—maybe once or twice—but not more than that because truth be told, Chan loved the way Jisung's eyes would lit up every time he promised him something and Chan hated the way those eyes would seem to lost their lights whenever Jisung was disappointed—meaning when Chan didn't hold on to his promises.

But it wasn't like Chan had broken it on purpose. It was going to rain soon, Chan knew it, and he just didn't want his best friend to catch a cold. Because the last time Chan had treated Jisung for an ice cream, while it was raining hard outside, he had gotten sick the next day. He had kept sneezing Chan had been afraid that his nose would've fell off.

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