Chapter 10

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The next morning, Marshall's phone woke them up. He grabbed it.

"Yeah," he mumbled still half asleep.
"Get up," Paul's voice demanded.
"I'm up."
"He sold them to TMZ."
"Of course he did. Fucker. So now what?"
"Well I say enjoy your vacation and I guess post whatever pictures you want on Instagram and Twitter."
"We will deal with an interview or whatever when you get back."
"All right."

Marshall sighed heavily.

"No use in hiding him or her anymore as the cat's out of the bag," Paul said.
"Ok, thanks Paul," Marshall yawned.

Madelyn got up to get their son. Maverick had begun fussing shortly after the call began. She came into the room with him and sat down on the bed. He looked at his son. The boy settled on the bed between him and his wife, rubbing his eyes again. Marshall got off the phone.

"What's he say?" she asked.
"Might as well post whatever pictures we want now. Dude sold the pics to TMZ." Marshall replied.

She nodded looking down at their boy. He was slowly falling asleep again between them. She decided to take a photo of the three of them lying in bed and posted it on her Instagram. He did the same before they all went back to sleep.

When they got up again, Alaina walked into the room. She shook her head at them.

"What?" Marshall asked.
"Pretty sure you two broke the internet," she said.
"Because people are going nuts over you posting that picture of the three of you."
"Grab your sisters. We will make it worse."

He had a smirk on his face. Alaina grabbed both of her sisters. Madelyn and Marshall both posted a photo of all six of them. Madelyn used the caption "nothing better than family time #mathersclan".  Marshall just posted it without words.

It didn't take long for people to go crazy over it all. He laughed. They went back down to lounge by the pool. They tie-dyed a shirt for them all including Maverick.

"Let's get ready for our reservations," he said.

They headed to the room to get ready to go. Then they headed to dinner. Maverick was completely enthralled with them cooking right in front of him.

"Perfect dinner," Hailie said.
"Good," Marshall smiled.

He carried his son from the restaurant. He would have been lying if he said he wasn't expecting the paparazzi in the parking lot. He held his son close and snatched his wife's hand. They went to the car. The girls were behind them. They all kept their heads low. Maverick began to cry. He didn't understand any of what was going on. Marshall quickly buckled him into the seat and jumped in the driver's seat. He drove back to the resort. Madelyn got their son from the back seat. They walked up to their room.

"This is going to mess up the rest of our vacation, isn't it?" Whitney asked.
"Nope, we aren't going to let it," he said, putting his arm around her.
"I am sorry I even suggested Disney World."
"Whit, eventually they would have found out anyway. We can't hide him forever."
"You were doing a pretty good job."
"Only because we don't go anywhere."

She nodded. Marshall and Madelyn sat down with Whitney.

"Look, you are not to blame for this. We probably should have said something about him sooner. But it is not our fault for wanting to be normal for once." he said.
"I know dad. We have an amazing life, but it sucks not being able to be normal sometimes." Whitney replied.
"I know it does. Hell i brought this on us and I still wish we could be normal."

She nodded. Maverick toddled into the room and over to his sister. She pulled him into her lap and kissed his head. He giggled.

"He doesn't look traumatized," Madelyn said.
"But he shouldn't have to be scared either," Marshall sighed.

He ended up calling Paul to send down security for the rest of their trip. It was going to suck but they were going to have to make it work.

"They like flocked the restaurant we ate at tonight," he said.
"I will send them down. We may have to do a quick interview to get them to leave you alone. It's just cuz it is all new to them. No one expected Eminem to get married and have a baby," Paul said.
"I know but damn, my kid was screaming because he was scared and no one moved to get out of the way."
"Because they want a Slim Shady freak out,"
"They damn near got one."

Paul sighed. He didn't like hearing that Maverick was terrified when they left the restaurant. They were going to have to release some kind of statement. He sighed heavily.

"It's all right," Madelyn sighed.
"It's really not though. He is just a baby and doesn't deserve all that because one douche bag couldn't let shit go." Marshall ranted.
"Look I will be there in the morning and we will figure out what to do." Paul said.
"All right."

Madelyn stood from the couch. She took her son down to get him ready for bed. 

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