Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Angel?" I ignored him, and his soft velvety voice. Oh crap, where did that come from? I continued to write in my notebook, trying my best to think about something else then Blakes lips.

I felt something poking my shoulder but I continued to look ahead trying to listen to the teacher. Yeah, you heard correctly. I was actually trying to listen in class and do work. Shocked? Well, I am too.

"Angel? Why are you ignoring me?" He asked, and I tried my hardest to try and ignore the sadness in his voice. It's most likely fake. Im sure he has no soul, or caring bone in his body. His hot, sexy body-

Okay, I need a physiologist or something. I took a deep breath, and thought of happy things. Blue skies, flying pigs, laughing unicorns; Me and Davis walking on a beach hand-in-hand, our lips just an inch away-

Wheres that physiologist?! The teacher pointed at a picture on the PowerPoint and I could honesty careless about the sex life of a bear. Yes, this is science class guys!

I raised my hand, I really need to get out of here,

"Ummm...Mrs. Mashaw?" I asked, and the old lady glared at me. Okay, yes this is the same Mrs. Mashaw that gave me detention. The old hag. And, she has hated me ever since. She sneered at me,

"Ms. Star. Tell me why I have to stop educating this class, for you?" She asked, and I looked around the class. Mostly everyone in the class was sleep. Except me, Davis, and some nerdy chick that stopped writing in her notes just to glare at me. Well excuse me.

"I was just asking if I could go to the bathroom." I said, and she gave me a pointed look that made puppies want to crawl in a hole and cry. Why is she married again?

"Miss Star, I think you can hold it. Im sure you're just finding ways to leave class. So, unless you're PMSing, you're not leaving this class." I glared at the teacher, and decided to give up. Because one, she saw right through me. And, two I wasn't starting until three weeks so I was doomed to sit here and daydream about a guy I should despise.

"Arianna, would you please talk to me?" He asked and I felt a chill go down my back. He just said my name, and it sounded so beautiful coming out of his mouth. Oh crap, I blame my hormones. Stupid Hormones! I ran a hand through my hair, and turned around smiling at Davis. His blues eyes almost caught me in a trance. But luckily I have some control,

"What's up?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow at me. His face fueled with shock that I actually talked to him. Geez, Im not that mean. I mean sure, when I realized I had a crush on Davis I freaked out and refused to talk to him. But, as you can see I got over that. Not.

"Nothing much the blue sky....are you PMSing?" If I had food in my mouth I would be choking that very second. What's with all this Period talk. I glared at him, as his perfectly red lips smirked. Okay, Im looking at his lips. Should I be worried?

"No Davis. I am not PMSing." I said, and he raised an eyebrow at me as though saying, 'You sure?' He rolled his eyes,

"You calling me Davis now? Come on. What did I do? One second were having fun, and one little thing happened. Suddenly, you're ignoring me and calling me Davis?" He asked, and I frowned. He thinks our almost kiss was a little thing?

"Sure, it was a little thing. Im just tired....Blake." I said, trying not to have a dreamy voiced as I said his name. He frowned, and I turned back around. If he didn't accept my answer then oh well.

The bell ringed, and I resisted doing a happy dance. I quickly placed my books in my bag, and hauled tail. Logan was waiting outside of my classroom. When she noticed the look on my face she gave me a sad smile,

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