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Callista and her parents are wating for someone, the young girl didn't who know are they waiting for honestly. She just got dragged by her parents here and is now waiting for some humans.

As Callista being the intrusive girl she is, asked her parents who are they waiting for. 

"Mom,  we've been waiting for 6 Minutes, who are we really waiting?"

The woman who's in her late thirties sighed "Callista you've been asking for the whole 6 Minutes, can you just wait please?"

The young girl rolled her eyes and placed her air pods on to listen some music,  Mrs. Caddel just wheeze and looked at her Husband to ask the same query.

"Oh, they just texted me. They are now quite not far." The Man who is three years older than his woman, answered his wife. 

Calli groaned as the expectant of her father to say who are they biding they time for got crushed. 

Minutes had passed, and three people came near them and take greetings to ones who waited for them. 

Callista glanced at the person who's in front of her. The girl's hazel eyes suddenly become wide as she can't give credence to who is beyond her.

"Aston Trevino what the hell are you doing here!?" Callista exclaimed at disbelief. 

The man in front of her didn't even give the girl a d*mn care that made her get hold of embarrassment.  As she speculate her surroundings, the people in the certain place where they are, are starring at her in judgment and shock.

Callista's Mother was in shocked also on what her daughter just behaved but shrugged it off since that wasn't the reason why they're there.


"In significantly why we're here is to announce that both of our children, will be taking vows to each other in the next few months."

End of Prologue,,,,,

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