"Ast! are you alright?" James and Sirius ran up to her as the sun began to rise.

Peter was nowhere to be seen.

Last night was a blur, all she remembered was that Remus was actually a werewolf and that she saved the boys from him. Speaking of Remus, where was he? She looked around the forest floor and saw him lying down. He was in his human form again, which meant the nightmare was over for another month. They were so far into the forest that she didn't know how the boys found them. 

"I'm fine guys. We need to take Remus to Madam Pomfrey." She said whilst trying to stand up.

"No, lay back down, we told them where you two are and they're coming here."

Ast hadn't slept all night, she was too worried about Remus running off and attacking someone, or getting lost, never to be found again.

James went over to Remus, but Sirius stayed behind. She started to feel the Earth swaying underneath her. The thought of passing out then and there felt incredibly tempting.

"Listen, he won't remember anything so he doesn't know that you know about his 'condition'. So just keep quiet about it until he tells you." Sirius said, his eyes desperately searching hers.

Ast could tell that he cared a lot about Remus so she knew better than to go blabbing. Besides, she also had her brother to worry about.

"Yeah okay," she said, trying to focus on a spot in the distance to stop her head from spinning.

"Another thing, why didn't you tell us you were an animagus?"

Before she could answer, the swaying got worse. She was feeling light headed. The next thing she knew, everything went black.


She woke up in the hospital wing. Her head was still pounding from where she hit it on a tree stump after she passed out.

"Glad you're finally awake," An unknown voice said.

She looked around the dark room to see who was talking. A boy, who looked like he was in his seventh year. A very attractive boy. Ast instantly reached up to smoothen any strands of hair that decided to stick out.

"You're not Madam Pomfrey."

The words escaped her mouth before she got a chance to stop herself.

"I should bloody well hope not. I'm only helping out to get some practice for when I leave school."

She tried to sit up but he stopped her, forcing her to lie back down.

"Where are my friends?" Ast asked.

"I don't know. I'm only doing my job."

"Well you're great help aren't you?"

"It's what I do," he smirked. "Hey, aren't you that new girl from year five? The cheat?"

"I'm not a cheat."

"I don't believe you. I mean you come to school and on the first day already know everything? That doesn't make any sense."

"Well you could just call me incredibly smart," she said cockily.

"Like I'd ever call you that." He folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow.

"What's your name anyway?" She asked.

"Ben, Ben Carrow."

"Carrow, huh?"

"Could say the same about your last name, Nott."

The hospital doors bursted open and Sirius came striding in, followed by a very angry looking Madam Pomfrey.

"Black, I've told you many times that visitors aren't allowed now, you'll have to come back later," Madam Pomfrey hissed.

"Oh it's fine, she wants to see me anyway," Sirius said.

"It's up to Miss Nott." They both turned to Ast. "Do you want him to stay?"

"Yeah, why not." Ast said.

"Very well then," she sighed, turning back to Sirius. "If I hear any complaints about you, you're going straight to the headmaster. So do be on your best behavior."

"I'll try my very best ma'am," Sirius said as she walked away.

"So, where are the others?" Ast asked. "How long have I been out for?"

"They're all in the co-" Sirius looked at Ben, who was still sat by Ast's bed. "Er- do you mind?"

Ben got up and followed Madam Pomfrey to her office.

Sirius turned back to Ast. "They found you and Remus and took you both to the Hospital Wing. Remus was let out after a few hours but you were unconscious for another day."

"Merlin..." Ast said, that was longer than any time she'd ever been knocked out by a Bludger during Quidditch.

Sirius told her that Remus was a werewolf, but she already knew that. Remus was bitten by Fenir Greyback when he was just five years old. No one else knew about his condition except for the professors, Dumbledore, the boys, and now Ast.

"Ast, I need to ask you something," Sirius said.

"Sure," Ast thought she knew what was coming.

"How did you become a animagi?"

"It's a long process Sirius, I hope you haven't told anyone, though."

"No I would never, only James, Peter and I know."

"Good and I'd like to keep it that way."

"I want you to teach us how to become animgai,"

"Are you sure about that?"

"A hundred percent."

"I'll see what I can do then."

"Listen Ast, Remus won't remember anything. He doesn't know that you know about his er- condition. So please don't bring it up."

Ast nodded, "don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"Uhm, about your brother. Is he a werewolf too?"

Ast bit the inside of her cheek, there was no point hiding it.

"He is, but please don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, my dear, your secret is safe with me."

Sirius smiled, a broad smile that always seemed to light up the room. He helped herself to some chocolate that had been brought to her by friends.

Madam Pomfrey came back into the room, "alright Miss Nott, you're all free to go."

On their way out, Ast saw Ben again. She smiled at him and he winked back in return. Sirius looked at Ast and she could tell that he was about to ask her something about Ben so she kept walking forward until they reached the common room.

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