1: Lost & Found

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"Seriously? Ham sandwich again?" I replied, giving him the unamused looks before he rolled his eyes at me.

Excuse me sir?

"It's your favourite." He reasoned back, raising his eyebrows while doing so before it's my turn to roll my eyes. "8 years ago? Yes. But you keep making me the same thing since then." I complained.

When I was 10, I caught a very high fever that I can't eat  anything other than the porridge that the orphanage feed me. Mind to tell you that it's a plain porridge which is very very plain. So after two nights eating the same thing over and over again, I start to crave for something else, but being an abandon one,  I can't tell that to anyone else as I would just get hit by it. So being a crybaby, I just cry myself to sleep silently before his small head peeking from the upstairs bed, saying that all my cries is disturbing him from sleeping. So to stop me from crying so that he can sleep again, Yoongi hyung make me a ham sandwich that he stole the ingredients from our winter stock. And surprisingly, it's so good that I keep on asking him to make it multiple times secretly. And now it's become a habit that even thought I already sick of it, Yoongi hyung still make one for me even when he's no longer there in the orphanage.

He left the orphanage when he was 17 and i was 15 at that time.

"take it or leave it" he threatened simply before I hide the sandwich behind my back. I may be sick of it but its still the best ham sandwich that I ever tasted so hell no.

Seeing me finally take a bite from it, a small smile quickly appears on his lip before it disappears when he realised that I was watching.

Pfft, youre so obvious.

"hyung?" he hummed simply to me.

"Can I move in with you tomorrow after I got kicked out from the orphanage? I dont want to be a stray dog and lost his ways between the dark alleys." I look at the side to see his reaction before Yoongi give me a long stare.

"they finalIy decide to kick you?" he evenly said before i fist him on the shoulder.

"thank you for acknowledging that." I said sarcasmly as my lips pout in disgrace. This hyung really know how to rub salts in my wound.

"Don't worry, you wont." He continue, smirking at the end before he grab my wist.

lowering down the sleeves, my butterfly tattoo can be seen shining under the moonlight before he rubs it, as he stupid smirk still hanging victoriously on his lips

It was actually my birthmark, but yoongi said that its beautiful if we turned it into something else, so right before my 15th birthday, he tattooed it himself and change it into a butterfly instead. When I asked him why, he just shrugged his shoulder, saying that "i'ts a farewell gift before i left."

Still staring at it, he finally smile before he hide my tattoo again. "I promise, i will find you." Furrowing my eyebrows, i quickly pull my hand while making a disgust face before he rolled his eyes.

"Is that a cringe way to say yes?" I questioned back before he nods lazily. Feeling relieved, I quickly finished the sandwich in one bite before he gave me a tissue. He probably was disgusted with how messy my face right now, but I just can't be bother enough as I was more eager to go back and pack my bag so that i can leave that pit of hell instantly.

"hyung! Let's leav--" I quickly said before an image of something falling down from the tree beneath us caught me.

it happened in seconds, but my eyes still managed to capture it.

bathing in his own blood, the white bird is lying weakly as the snow around him slowly turning into red.

And for some reason, everything went blank when my feet suddenly make a leap of it and jump from the second floor, landing straight on the piles of snow.

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