Stiles nodded, "You told your friend about me." He smirked.

"Shut up, Stiles."

Stiles just stuck out his tongue and walked through the door Derek held open.

Derek waved toward the only other person in the building, the other waved back. "You must be Stiles." He said softly, waving.

"Yeah, hi."

"I'm Vernon. But everyone calls me Boyd." The other male glanced over to Derek, smirking. "This guy doesn't shut up about you."

Stiles chuckled watching Derek glare at his friend, "Shut up."

The group decided to play a round of pool, Stiles watching the first round not knowing how to play. Halfway through the second he turned toward the older male, "Is he a..." he mumbled growling and showing his teeth a bit.

Boyd laughed, eyeing up his cue and hitting the ball, "Yes. I'm in his pack."

Stiles nodded taking the cue from Derek, "I've never played pool."

Boyd wiggled his brows at Derek making the other roll his eyes. "Here." He said wrapping his arms around the younger and showing him how to play.

They stayed for a bit talking and playing games, eventually a blonde walked in, Erica. She kissed Boyd on the cheek and introduced herself to Stiles. Stiles walked off to find a bathroom and Erica started asking as many questions as she could.

"Okay but like, is he actually your boyfriend?"


"But you've kissed him right?"

"Also, no."

"Why the fuck not!?"

"Erica, relax." Boyd chuckled.

"But it's clear that he likes the kid, so why not?"

Derek sighed, "I don't know."

They all sat quietly as Stiles walked back in, "Is everything okay?" He mumbled.

Erica jumped up, "Let's take a walk. Just me and you." Stiles looked toward Derek, almost as if asking permission. "Boyd a Derek need a little heart to heart. I swear I won't bite. Hard." She joked.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Stiles joked back.

After the two left Boyed sighed leaving Derek to groan and plop down onto the bright orange couch in the middle of the room. "It's different."

"Different? From what? You're like in love with him. You always talk about him."

"Yeah, and I'm scared." He sighed, "The last time..."


"But it's more than Paige." Boyd scrunched his brows together in confusion. "I thought I loved Paige but what I'm feeling now is so much more and I don't know why I'm feeling so much so fast."

"Ever thought about him possibly being your mate?"

"Mates are just a fairytale."

"So are werewolves." Boyd shrugged.


The two walked hand and hand back to where Stiles' Jeep was parked. "I don't want to drive all the way home."

"I know, but your dad wants you home tonight."

"I know, he's lame." Stiles laughed, "I should get my homework done too."

Derek smiled leaning again the Jeep as Stiles swung their hands back and forth. "I'll be home Wednesday."

"Why so early?"

"Classes got cancelled the rest of the week." He shrugged, "Maybe I'll come bug you."

"Okay." The younger smiled, "Do you think I'll be a good spark or whatever?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't you be?"

Stiles shrugged, "I don't know...I just want her to be proud of me, ya know?"

Derek pulled him closer, "She is. I know she is."

Stiles smiled leaning in, resting is head on the wolf's shoulder, arms wrapping around him. "Thanks."

"Stiles." Derek whispered, lifting his chin with his fingers.

"Yes, Der?" He whispered back.

He leaned down, brushing their noses together for a few moments, Stiles pushed onto his tip toes forcing their lips to touch just slightly, breath being passed back and forth. After what felt like centuries to the younger Derek finally pressed their lips together fully, hand wrapping around the back of Stiles' neck, enjoying the moan that rose from the pale boy.

"I should've done that sooner." It was a whisper against his lips.

"You could do it again." Stiles smiled, Derek smiled back leaning down to kiss him once more.

"Call me when you get home, okay?"

Stiles groaned, "But now I really don't want to leave."

Derek laughed, "I know, but you gotta."

"I'm keeping your hoodie."

"Looks better on you."

"Shut up." Stiles smiled, pretending he wasn't blushing. He pecked the wolf's lips once more, "Bye, Der."

"Bye, Stiles."

Guys I'm super sorry this took ten years. It's been awhile since I've actually written anything so sorry if it's not great but oh well.

My boss also yelled at me until I cried in front of everyone I work with this weekend so...

I'm putting my notice in on Friday and I already have a new job.

Don't treat your most hardworking employees like garbage bc I'm taking half your staff with me :)

Merry Christmas 

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