Ser Aelix

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The man walked to the bar and sat down at it.

"The strongest you've got." He asked Merlot, and Merlot nodded.

Half a minute later, Merlot handed him a mug with a purple substance in it, likely it was Purple Vine Wine.

The man took a gulp of it. "Thank you, Merlot." He said.

Merlot nodded once more. " Sure thing, Aelix."

At the sound of the man's name Asteros turned around.

"Aelix!" He bellowed from across the room. "Come join us for a drink!"

Aelix turned to see who it was, and when he saw who it was, he got up and walked to Asteros and Dranzel's table.

He sat down and only then noticed that Dranzel was sitting there.

"Is that Dranzel? Wow, what the years have done! What was it, four years ago that you've left?" Aelix sounded excited.

He lowered his hood and smiled.

Aelix had short black hair that stuck out in some places, light brown eyes, a goatee and a light mustache.

"Yes, four years. And how have you been? I see you're a knight, ser. Nicely done." Dranzel said.

"Agh, it's more a penny guard that I've become! All I do is stand at my post the whole bloody day, until my legs have grown stiff, my neck hard, and my pride dusty."

"Now, we shouldn't be modest. Aelix is a guard of the prince, Dranzel. He guards his keep and follows him wherever he may roam." Asteros clarified.

Dranzel nodded. "Well, congratulations Aelix." And Dranzel raised his glass. " To ser Aelix of Proscius, the most worthy of penny guards!"

And all three raised their glasses and then continued to take deep gulps.

Dranzel, Asteros and Aelix were close friends as kids and as growing boys.

Coming from families with different levels of status, they didn't see each other much but for when they went in the forest or to rivers or to markets.

"And you? What are you doing? Enveloping women with your words and so make a living?" Aelix asked.

"See, that was precisely what I thought as well. He certainly could, in any case. The mysterious types always get the women." Asteros said.

Dranzel chuckled. "No no, I have been writing a play. My employer, master Illinium, is holding me to it to have a masterpiece in three moon's turns hence. I am looking for inspiration to write a beautiful romance, one that would make men weep and women's hearts break."

"Now isn't that vile of you?" Asteros scuffed. "Why ever would you want to break gentle ladies' hearts?"

"It shows I have touched their souls. It's all I ever strife for. Touching people's souls with my art."

"Quite the poet." Aelix nodded.

"Didn't you have a lady whom you were courting, ser?" Asteros asked, "Yes, now that memory again serves as it should, I recall you roaming around with this girl. Pretty little thing, she was. What was her name? Tisk tisk, how frail my train of thought is, I have already forgotten. Enlighten me please, Aelix? If you will?"

"Alena." Aelix said. "Her name was and remains Alena. And it was more than courting, I can tell ye that. It was by far more. She used to pass by my post most a days and hand me a letter, and in those letters there would always be just an address, the name of a destination and a time, likely the time where I should present myself at said place. And I would too, every time. And she would be there, every time. And she would kiss me, gently at first. And then not so gently. Ah, to receive a letter from her once more."

"Why? What happened next?" Dranzel asked.

"Oh, what was to happen, of course! It was revealed to me that Lady Alena was promised, you see. To another man. A little lordling, just like Lord Asteros here."

"Was she that lucky then?" Lord Asteros laughed, "It's a jest, my dear friend. Carry on."

" What was I saying? Oh yes, she was promised. And so as the birth of the truth came before my eyes, so was our love undone. The last letter I received was from her. At least in name. It said to meet her in her room, where we had met before many times. When I got there, I was surprised. There he stood, rapier in hand, Alena nowhere to be seen. He told me she was gone, shipped to his homeland, for the lord was from another land, a foreigner. He challenged me to a duel. I won, of course, but it felt so much like a defeat, I dare not crown myself the victor of the two of us."

And silence reigned for some seconds.

Dranzel coughed. "I do believe I've found my inspiration."

Aelix laughed. He couldn't help himself.

"That is such a line that only Dranzel of Mionera would say. Though I must ask you to spare me the horror of seeing my own dark fate played out as a fictional story before many eyes. I daresay, were I to see the play meself, that you may reach your goal and make me weep."

"Ah, say no more.' And Dranzel scratched at the notes he had made on behalf of Aelix's tale.

Aelix smiled. "Thank you, kind poet."

Asteros cleared his throat. "Well, by the looks of it, we are all in need of some fresh newfound romance." Lord Asteros said, cunning as ever.

"It would appear so." Aelix said. "One because his heart is broken, one because he is in lack of inspiration, and one because he needs to impress his father, not to mention he needs a wife to become his lady when he becomes the Lord of Nailos."

"Now now, we need not be so cruel to one another." Dranzel said, and called for Merlot. "All we need now are drinks. And maybe some grapes and cheese. Oh, and some carrots. I crave some carrots."

Merlot came to their table.

They ordered some wine and snacks and kept each other company for the remainder of the night.

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