"I'll get our ramen now!" He turns and heads back to the kitchen, going to get our noodles.

I look back at the tablet as the next scene pops up. Wow, this is getting super sad with how his family died. Aw...I bet he's going to get blamed for it. 

 Did Emu really mean what he just said to me? That I'm prettier than that actress? No, he meant it as a friendly compliment to make me feel good about myself. Yes, that has to be it. It wasn't meant to be heart fluttering for me.

"And here we are!" He pops down beside me and places down the ramen bowls, which have chopsticks in it for us. "I decided you could use chopsticks today since you're cute with them. I love how you use them."

I put the tablet down on the table and press the pause button. "You think I'm cute when I eat with chopsticks?"

"Yeah, you are cute with them." He sounds so sure that it is true that I am.

I turn to him, moving over a bit on the couch. "You're always calling me cute."

"Is it wrong to tell you what you are?" he asks, putting his bowl down on his lap. "I figured you would like to hear me compliment you. You didn't have an issue with me doing it before." He's right that I didn't, but it is starting to get weird now for me. It is like I want him to notice me as a woman.

"Am I just cute to you?"

"I did call you pretty," he points out.

I sigh a bit and turn away, grabbing my ramen bowl. "Thanks for putting the chopsticks into the bowl for me. I know you could have just let me do it on my own, but you did it be kind."

"Are you disappointed in me?" Emu asks.

I shake my head. "No, I'm not. Why would you even think so?"

"With how you respond to me sometimes. You seem like you're unhappy with some of the things that I do."

Of course I am upset with how he is sometimes. One moment he's seemingly being flirty with me, the next he's not. He's always reminding me that we're friends and I'm always reminding myself that we're friends, which makes me feel even more upset about things.

"It has nothing to do with anything you do, Emu." I can't be honest with him and make him feel horrible about not acting the way I want him to.

It is hard sometimes being near him. I don't know what we are to each other and I'm not sure if I exactly what something more from him. With how my body reacts, I think it is something more. 

"I see." 

I pick up the chopsticks and twirl them in the noodles, sighing a little. It is difficult when it comes to him because things are just complex right now. I'm from some made up world and he looks up to me. It upsets me that I started that lie in the first place right now. If we get involved somehow, he'll just end up highly disappointed in me. 

"I think I remember what happened that night between us after we got drunk. I didn't want to admit it after Taiga brought it up, but I sort of remember it now."

I drop the chopsticks and put the bowl down back on the table, setting it next to my tablet. "You remember what happened between us?" I ask, turning to him. "Tell me what happened between us."

He puts his chopsticks down in the bowl and he places it down on the table. "Are you sure you want to know? I just started eating and I don't want to end up wasting the food."

"It can't be that bad at all, Emu. It probably wasn't anything that bad. What could we have done that was so bad?"

"When he said I was being sloppy, he was talking about how I was kissing you." Emu looks away from me, his face turning a bit red. "I didn't know that I kissed you that night and wouldn't have if I wasn't drunk." 

"We kissed?" I kissed someone other than Parad? It's a miracle!

"Y-yes." He nods, keeping his eyes off of me. "And it wasn't the friendly kind of kissing, but the full on making out and feeling each other up type of kissing. I didn't think I could be like that."

The feeling up kind of kissing? Wow, I didn't think that would happen between us. I do want that with him right now, sort of. But I don't think either one of us wants to have anything happen between us at this point for some reason.

I can't remember feeling him up at all or kissing his possibly very soft lips. I would know if they are soft or not if I could just remember it! I do know that Parad has amazingly soft lips and that those are the only pair of lips I remember. 

"That is why I wanted to wait until we got done eating to share that with you. I know you're probably upset and all, but please still be my friend. You can find it within yourself to forgive me, right?"

How can I be mad about getting a bit of action in this world? It isn't every day that I get to be around a cute guy and have the time of my life. So, I can totally forgive him for placing those lips on mine.

"I forgive you, but you owe me." 

He looks at me. "I owe you?"

"I'll come up with something you can do to pay me back for putting your lips on my lips. Also, do you know how we ended up in your bed the way we did?" That is the only part that I'm not getting.

"Uh...well..." He looks back away, looking flustered. "It...we..."

"Did we try doing it?" 

"You can say that was what was going to happen, but someone decided it was time for bed instead."

Wait...so I ruined my only chance to sleep with a good looking fictional character because I was tired? And drunk. Very, very drunk.

"Oh..." I hate drunk me so much right now. Why did I ruin such an amazing thing that was supposed to be my moment? I was finally going to get someone in bed with me! And he's good looking and has an amazing personality!

"Well, let's finish eating."

I wish I didn't ruin such an amazing moment. Why did I have to fall asleep? I bet he is thinking that I'm really lame for doing so. 

A/n: Oh, no! We just found out what happened! I'll probably do another chapter or two and call it a day on writing. My Zero-One story will be updated though since it is already typed up mostly (I made sure to get a start on that while the ideas are still flowing through me). 

Well...how will Elkie and Emu go forward now with each other? I guess you will find out soon. ;) Also, I am sorry if you see any typos. I'm typing really fast and pumping out these chapters. Editing can wait for sure.

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