Of the survivors, the largest group were the Weasley family. Fortunately, the entire family had survived, although in one or two cases, that had been very close.

Fred Weasley had come within in inch of death, but quick action on the part of a certain 'Chosen One' had managed to stabilise him long enough to send him to St. Mungo's. After two gripping nights of anticipation, he'd been pronounced stable. He was still on a dozen potions to aid his recovery, but he would live.

George Weasley had made it through the final battle, hale and hearty. With the exception of his missing ear, courtesy of Severus Snape almost a year ago, he'd not picked up a serious injury. He'd been out of his mind with concern over Fred, but when the Healers at St. Mungo's had declared that he would live, he'd grabbed the matron and kissed her passionately. Blushing like a bride, he'd been chased out of the hospital by the matron's irate husband.

Ron Weasley had done his duty and helped to defeat the evil Dark Lord. Now, he was looking forward to his rewards. There would be fame, money and girls aplenty, but best of all, he'd finally snag the girl he really wanted; Hermione Granger. He'd been patient long enough. Courtesy of Fred and George, the book Twelve Fail Safe Ways to Charm Witches had led him closer and closer to his goal, and Hermione, like an idiot, had swallowed every cheesy line and compliment. She would be his. Oh, yes... she would be his.

Ginny Weasley had undergone a very stressful year at Hogwarts. She'd had to give up so much during that year. Nineteen young gentlemen had expressed an interest in her, and she'd had to turn down each and every one. Okay, so she shagged four of them, but that wasn't the point. She'd had to keep herself available for Harry. She knew that he'd come back, and when he did, he would be hers. Oh, yes... he would be hers.

Arthur Weasley was content with his lot. All his children had survived the war, and in 'his children' he included Harry and Hermione. They were good kids who'd been dealt a truly shitty hand, but passed through all the trouble and strife and come out the other end, smelling of roses. He was looking forward to rebuilding the damage that had been caused by the recent war, and making the magical world a good place for everyone.

Minerva McGonagall had actually faced Voldemort himself, here in the Great Hall, and managed to survive. She was grateful for that, really, both the survival, and the opportunity of facing him. It allowed her peace of mind to know that she'd stood and fought against the darkness. She was alive, Hogwarts was still standing, although damaged, and the Dark Lord was dead. Properly dead, this time.

Molly Weasley was a happy woman. Her family had survived the Blood War intact, and, apart from George's missing ear and Bill's scarred face, relatively unharmed. Everything was going well in her world. She still had two minor issues to sort out, that of arranging suitable matches for her youngest children, but that was well in hand. Once her plans came to their natural conclusion, everything would be right with the world.

As everyone had settled into their chairs, the two massive doors opened, landing against the walls with a 'thud', as two powerful and charismatic figures strode into the Hall. McGonagall leapt to her feet, wrapping them in tight hugs.

"Harry... damn, it's good to see you!" She said, before turning to Hermione. "And you, Hermione. Look at you... You get more beautiful everyday."

The two teens spent a moment basking under McGonagall's attention, before heading to a pair of empty chairs at the front of the hall, just in front of the Weasleys. While they were walking down, everyone was able to get a good look at the two. Each of them was wearing a pair of black jeans and boots, low heels for Hermione and good thick soles for Harry, while they wore a leather duster over the top, buttoned up to their chins. Each of them looked every inch the powerful warrior. With a fraction of a second's pause, Harry and Hermione sat in the chairs, their watches beginning to vibrate slightly.

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