Chapter 6 - Encounters

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Notes: Per request, Claude finding Lucas in Athi's room :3. I tried arrange it a way that won't stop their night outing. I still want Lucas to visit Athi without too much difficulties from overprotective Claude - if Claude really found out about the nightly visits, let alone there won't be anymore visits, he probably would fight Lucas to death. 

It's a bit challenging to describe how the situation came down to what it is. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this chapter. 



A tall figure can be seen standing over the bed of Obelia's beloved princess. 

It's been raining and thundering heavily outside. Claude went to check on Athanasia as he saw that her bedroom is still bright. 

[Was she having a hard time sleeping?] he thought.

But instead of finding his daughter, he has found an unwanted black haired figure on sleeping on her bed. 


[What is this bastard doing here.]

 After getting over his shock of finding a man in his daughter's bedroom, he wondered if he should kill the brat in his sleep, or should he torture him first. 

As Claude mulled over what he is going to do, the blood lust directed towards Lucas jolt him awake. He was ready to attack only to find the Emperor himself glaring at him with enough intensity to kill normal people.   

"..." Both of them are staring at each other. Lucas can feel sweat forming in his forehead. He just woke up and trying to made sense of the situation. 

The last me memory he had was in the Library with Athi, discussing about the potential of fixing Aetharnitas' spell. 

"Listen to me! You look tired, you should rest!!"

Athanasia has inadvertently put Lucas to sleep. In her panic, she moved him to her bedroom. 

[I was careless.] 

He can now only lament the fact that he let his guard down. In normal situation, it would be difficult for the immature magic of the princess to put him to sleep. 

He has now found himself in an impossible situation, a staring contest with the Emperor with dark clouds looming over him. 

The impasse between the two greatest wizards in the empire is broken by the sound of the door opening. The owner of the room is coming back. 

It's a split second decision, and Lucas hides the Emperor's presence in the room, hoping he would be able to provide explanations to the disastrous situation. 


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