Part 2

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Katniss's P.O.V.

The sun is barely coming up at this early hour. But I don't need that much light. I have my bow loaded with and arrow. I quietly move through the woods. I have quite the talent for hunting. My father was the one who taught me. Even at my mother's disaproval. I've gotten quite good over my life. I'm seventeen and almost eighteen. Basically all my life I have done this. I come across a small stream. I quickly hide behind a big oak tree. I lean and look out. I see a small doe drinking from the stream. I turn slightly and step out from behind the tree. I let my arrow fly. It sinks into the doe's chest. I shoot it one more time to make sure it is dead. I take the doe to the butcher, Sae. I take what I want and then give her the rest.

"Thank you, Katniss." She says. 

"You're welcome. I'll bring in another hall tomorrow." I say. 

"I'll be wating." Sae says and smiles. 

She hands me a small bag of gold coins. I leave the shop. I start to walk home. One of the Royal Carriage's passes by me. It goes my way home.

'That is not good.' I think.

I start to run to my home. I run as fast as I can. When the Royal Carriage comes to a house, that means there is trouble. Very big trouble. I get onto my family's land. I see the carriage is there already. I run into my house. 

"Mother! Father! Is everything alr-" I say. 

Everyone looks at me. My mother is crying. My father comes and hugs me. 

"What's going on?" I ask. 

"We will explain, if you'd take a seat." The royal official says. 

I let go of my father. I sit down. 

"What is this?" I ask. 

"Miss Katninss, it is time to return to your country and claim the throne." The offical says. 

"My country?" I ask confused. "What country? I'm not a princess."

"You are, Katniss." My mother says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. "You're not a Queen." 

"You aren't our daughter." My father says.

 "Many years ago, the Queen and King of Magnolia sent their only daughter away while their country was at war. You were taken here. The King and Queen knew that you were safe here in Panem. They have not contacted you until now. Since you are turning of age to be a Queen." The offical explains. 

"So...I am a princess?" I ask.

"Yes." My mother and father says. 

"But I'm your daughter. This is my home. I don't want to leave." I say. 

"It is your duty, Your Highness." The Offical says. 

I look to my mother and father. They have tears in their eyes. I hug them. They cry on me. I cry on them.

"We love you Katniss. And you will our daughter. No matter who you are or where you came from." My mother says.

"I love you both." I say.

They let me go. They smile at me. I try not to cry more. 

"If all your goodbye's are in order, the Queen and King are expecting your arrival by dusk tomorrow." The official says. 

"Goodbye mother, father." I say. 

"Goodbye, Katniss." They say.

I look around the home I have loved. And the people I have loved. I stand up. The offical starts to leave. I follow him. 

"Wait! Mother...tell much I'll miss her." I say to her.

"I will." She says. 

I hug her again for the last time. My father hugs us. I let them go. I go and get into the carriage. We then travel across the land of Panem. We get the the Fourth Realm by sundown. 

Peeta's P.O.V.

It was a beautiful spring morning in the kingdom of Panem, and the sun was just coming up over the horizon. Everyone in the palace was in a deep sleep, except for one, Prince Peeta Mellark. Who couldn't sleep, every time he tried he would be woken up not long after. The same nightmare/dream would flash through his mind. And it would start like this...

It was a cold winter morning, in the middle of the woods. There was a bright beautiful sunset. Everything was peaceful. Then the sun would disappear and all would become black as the night, except for one spot. It was around a beautiful girl. She was slender, with black hair pulled to the side in a braid, grey eyes, and olive skin, she was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Then in an instant, it was as though a gust of wind had taken her away. I tried to catch her but her fingers slipped through mine and she was gone.

Then the dream would end and I would awake with a cold sweat only to have to the same dream appear the next night. Throughout the days I would ponder what the dream meant, and who was that girl who had my heart at first glance.

'I need to see her. I have to find her. If it is the last thing I do.' I think.

I get up to do my regular duties and activities of being a Prince. But the girl is still on my mind. In my art, my hunting, my meetings, eating with my family, doing my studies. I spend time alone in my chambers after feeling so lost. I look out the window at the beautiful nation in which I live. Panem. There is a knock on my door.

"Your Grace, the Queen has requested your presence." A servant says.

"Thank you." I say.

I get up and head to the door. I leave my room and follow the servant. He takes me to the grand library. She is reading a book. So are my sisters.

"Mother, you wanted to see me?" I ask.

"Yes." she says and sets the book down. "Dellyina, Primrose, will you excuse us?"

"Yes, mother." they say and bow. They stand and leave.

I sit down next to my mother. "What is it, mother?" I ask.

"I've noticed how you have been acting lately, Peeta." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You're lost in someplace. With someone not here?" she says.

"How did you know?" I ask.

She smiles. "I was once in the same boat you were, Peeta. A lonely person of royalty, in a castle. Waiting for the person of my dreams to come to me. I could see them in my dreams..but never get to him. And I waited. And waited. Then one day..the day of my eighteenth birthday...he appeared. I was waiting all this time for him. And there he was." My mother explains.

"Was is father?" I ask.

"Of course it was. I wouldn't be talking to you if it wasn't, Peeta." She says and smiles.

I smile.

"Don't worry, my son. She will come to you. Maybe sooner than you think." My mother says.

"I hope so." I say.

"I know so, Peeta." She says. 

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