Part 1

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The Land of Panem is a kingdom in North America. It is a beautiful place. Bounteous fields throughout the whole land. Majestic mountains surround the heart of the kingdom. The Capitol is the heart of Panem. The lands beyond it supply the kingdom and the land. The King, Queen, Two Princesses, and Prince rule over the land. They are the Mellark Royalty.  King Edward Mellark, Queen Stepina Mellark, Princess Dellyina Mellark, Princess Primrose Mellark, and Prince Peeta Mellark. 

Part 1

Katniss Everdeen’s P.O.V.

“Katniss!” My friend Madge says.

I snap out back into reality. “What?” I ask.

“You were daydreaming again. Come on. We have to go.” She says. 

I grab my basket full of fresh, ripe, strawberries and flowers. We leave our spot in the meadow. We walk down the trail that was made many many years ago. It leads to Madge and I’s house. The realm of 12 is where we live.

“I wasn’t daydreaming, Madge. I was thinking of my future.” I say to her.

“Oh yeah? And what is in this future of yours?” She asks and smirks. 

“Living in the Capitol and being a princess.” I say. 

Madge just laughs. “Oh Katniss, when will you learn? We are peasants. And we can’t marry into royalty. And sadly, we’ll always be peasants.” Madge says. 

I sigh. “Yes, I know. But what is the harm of fantasizing?” I say.

“Nothing. I suppose.” She says. 

We get back into our small town. 

“We should drop these off.” I say. 

We go to the Hob. It’s the only place to buy and sell things in the Twelfth Realm. 

“Are you girls ready for the royal family to come?” the Hobs owner, Ripper asks.

“We’re almost. We’ll bring more strawberries and flowers.” I say. 

“Good. They are Queen Stephina and Princess Primrose’s favorite.” Sae says 

Madge and I leave, We head to our homes. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Katniss.” Madge says. 

I wave goodbye to her. I live at the very edge of the Twelfth Realm’s borders. A good mile past Madge’s house. But the way there is so beautiful. Quite breathtaking. Many animals walk this trail. I come in contact with many deer and foxes and small animals. Many flowers and plants grow here. The root in which I was named after grows plentifully here. It really is peaceful out here. I come to my house. Smoke comes out of the chimney. 

‘Father must be cooking supper.’ I think

My house rests on a very big amount of land. We have horses and goats and chickens. I go behind my home. I see my horse, Layla. 

“How are you, girl?” I ask. 

I stroke her. My goat, Lady, bleats at me. 

“How are you, Lady?” I ask. I pat her head. 

“Katniss!” I hear my mother call. 

I go to the front of my house. My mother is waiting for me. 

“Hello, mother.” I say. 

“Come inside dear. Supper is almost done.” She says with a warm smile.

I go inside our small cottage home. My father is by the fire stirring the kettle

“Hello, Katniss.” My father says. 

“Hello, father.” I say. 

“After supper, could you water the animals?” My mother asks. 

“Of course, mother. I have some fruit for dessert.” I say. 

~Prince Peeta’s P.O.V.~

“My son, we need to talk.” My father says. 

“Yes, father.” I say.

We walk the long and many hallways in the castle. 

“Peeta, your twentieth birthday is approaching. You have still yet married a princess. The throne needs to be taken by you.” My father says. 

“I know, father. But I haven’t found someone yet. No one in the other kingdoms has suitable princesses.” I say. 

“Well, either you chose a princess or your mother and I will arrange a marriage.” My father says, 

“What if I don’t want to marry a princess, father? I’m sure there is a girl in one of the realms who would be a great princess.” I say. 

“Peeta, we’d be looked down upon if you married a peasant.” My father says.

“But I want love for real. I don’t care about the other kingdom’s opinions.” I say. 

A guard comes and cuts our conversation short. “Your majesty, you are being summoned by the Queen.” He says.

“Very well.” My father says. “We will continue this conversation later, my son.” 

He goes off with the guard. I go back to my room. I sit on my balcony. The moonlight is bright and the lights of the kingdom shine. I ponder what my father has said to me. 

‘Father will arrange my marriage if I don’t pick a bride. But I just want true love.’ I think

Hey all! Plz vote and comment! I hope you like it so far! Me and katnissmellark142 hope you enjoy this! We'll try to update soon! Love to all! ♡♡♡♡♡

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