Epic Mickey Magic AU Chapter 2: Seeking War

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The birds sang as they flew by the blue sky

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The birds sang as they flew by the blue sky. There in the middle of Mean Street North, Mickey sat on a bench looking down thinking and thinking about the events from yesterday. His question of how Pete got that power racked his mind, along with the question of his power. Will it be permanent? What if it isn't? What would happen if it ran out while other bad folks had such power?

"Hey, Mickey, I'm hungry."

Mickey looked over to see Mikey sitting next to him. Earlier, Mikey and Ollie had said that they might have to hide in the Card Commune, but Oswald was certain that a world filled with cows, dogs, and goats walking on two legs would mind a little creature like them, and he was right.

"I guess you haven't eaten all day, huh? Does ice cream sound good?"

Mikey shook his head. "There's a certain card you have to swipe. It's the Chef's card!"

"Um... Didn't I leave the card at the-"

"Nope! I got them!" Mikey took out a small deck of cards, and handed Mickey a certain card. "Swipe this one."

Mickey nodded, and swiped the card through the commune.

A bubble popped from the commune. "Bonjour, Monsieur Mickey, what do you crave today?" It said.

"Um.. What do you have, exactly?"

Anything, and everything, votre cœur le désire." A menu popped up underneath it, with every dish that Mickey heard of, dreamed of, and much more.

"Geez... I'm overwhelmed, but I'm craving something savory..." Mikey looked through. "I'm gonna get a grilled cheese sandwich... do you want anything, Mickey?"

Mickey shook his head. "I'm good."

The chef made the grilled cheese sandwich. There was no show of it, just a sudden grilled cheese sandwich with the bread crispy, and the cheese melted in as instant. It was as big as Mikey, so it should fill him up.

Mikey ate the sandwich, getting cheese all over him.

"You must have been hungry." Mickey chucked. "Then again, I guess we missed dinner..."

"You should've gotten something then!" Mikey said after he finished, then he yawned. "Man, I'm tired. I wanna take a nap... there should be a bedtime card in the deck..."

Mickey looked through the deck, and pulled out a card. "Is it this one?"

"Yeah, that's it... just swipe it..."

Mickey does so, and then watches as a bubble surrounds a sleepy Mikey. Mikey fell as the bubble went to the card commune.

"Hey! Mickey!"

Mickey looked over to see Oswald running over to him. They waved at each other, smiling. Oswald slowed down as he got closer to Mickey, then sat down next to him on the bench. "Where's Mikey? Did he run off?"

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