The Writing

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Okay! Let’s get started!

The reason why this blog is written will soon be understood once you understand what I’m talking about.

Let’s get carried away with the words that spill as I type. What prompted me to write this blog was the want, the need to do something, not just be a bystander doing absolutely nothing, but do just something! Even though this might not reach people out there, even though, I might leave this on the way, let me be assured that I did something.

I’ve understood that the problems out there in the world are real. Yes, they will end, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the sadness expressed on listening to someone’s death, and next moment turning into an ignorant sigh; that death that actually occurred is what’s real. You did not understand the sensitivity of the situation that the people around the deceased went through, you only sympathized with him for a moment or so. But the calamity was real. The reason why I talk about this is that the bombing and shelling on the Ummah that took place, and the transgression on a part, no, many parts of this world, with whom I chose to not take an action and simply open my big mouth to criticize the oppressing leaders to satisfy my egoistic self, that situation has now occurred on me. And in some part of this world, when someone listens to the oppression in my place, will only twitch their lips for a moment or so, and I will be long forgotten just the way I forgot others.

The saying is true; that you only realize the significance of the calamity that you ignored when it comes knocking on your door. It has come, knocking on my door. But now I’ve chosen to speak. At least now I have to speak, this is the right of my brothers and sisters on me. I cannot let the resources that I have go to waste, in the bin. No! I won’t tell you that it needs to stop because I know that you aren’t capable of that, neither of us are. What are we, except marveled creations of limitless stimuli who are satisfied with being useless junk?!  But you might be able to do something, just some-thing, that is if you choose to not be a living dead. The only way is that you stand up, not alone! Your standing up needs to be accompanied by people who hold your hand through thick and thin. Only when you Unite! We, ourselves can only do so much. But Unity speaks and it speaks volumes. The attributes of unity are that you work jointly for a cause, and now that a trouble made its way towards us, will you still not take heed? (If you know, where I’ve quoted this from)

It is absolutely right, that the world is going to pounce on this Ummah, and has it not been excellent in doing its job?! What about our job? The job of calling people towards what is true, what is right and calling people towards us, joining them, stabilizing them, comforting them by saying that ‘ Indeed, Allah is with the patient ‘. If you take advise from my words, then know that patience is easy when you are with a group of people who are seeking patience too. You steel yourself with them; you become their strength and they become your shield. For the reason why you bear patience, is not earthly. Your patience will give you wings till you reach the sky. 

I do not want to lecture you, teach you, educate you on what’s right. You know that yourself! What use is it to you to acknowledge what’s right? For all you can care is that you get what you need for yourself! But the guilt that comes after the loss has incurred and you could do something, but you didn’t, has its own toll. Mind you, we are not talking about losses in money or some sort of business deal! This is a bargain of lives! Who will you apologize to when you see a dead body? What will you do when you know that you were a part in this crime? Your crime being; not voicing up. When you stand in front of Allah, and He asks you about how could you roll your eyes over your brother’s death, tell me about the answer that you’ve prepared! “ If only I had mustered up some courage, If only I had not thought about the what will people say…If only I would do that to avoid a death…If only I could return back, to do good deeds, or do a deed that would save a drop of blood of my brother, If only… “
Wallah, that guilt is of no use because you had a chance, you chose to let it slip away, and mind you, you let it slip away very easily.

I myself am ashamed of my deeds, all the life that I’ve wasted trying to mend my own self, my own house, my own studies, my own food, my own everything, but my own crime was that I did not do anything earlier to save them. Still, life is not over for us. Maybe the Angel of death is given the commandment of extra time, let’s do something here, until I return to my Creator. If you can’t speak, write! Do something! For, there is an account for us, for every action that we did, and maybe for you it’s just one dollar, but from a group of hundred, it’s a hundred dollars to the receiver. 

And for your Lord, be patient. 

                          -      AJ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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