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Alita had been inside of the cathedral for at least twenty minutes already. She was crying while begging Hugo to stay with her. He felt extremely cold, which only got worse the more time passed. She was so afraid that he'd die. Slip away in her arms. She tried to come up with a plan, while Hugo repeatedly told her to leave him behind. She couldn't do that, she wouldn't. She had to find a way, but knew time was running out. She was alone and definitely couldn't take him outside through the door. She needed another way. But she wondered if there were any. A broken window, a secret doorway. Anything would do. She just knew she would get out of there with Hugo, she wouldn't go alone. "Please Hugo, stay with me." She begged while stroking his cheek with her hands. Her tears fell down on the ground while Hugo had a harder time answering her. "Ali.. go.." Alita just shook her head, before looking around once again. She had to do something. She felt the pressure rising. She couldn't give in. She slowly leans down to put her head against Hugo's.

Zapan was waiting outside. He just knew Alita couldn't do it. She wouldn't hurt Hugo, she was way too weak. Now, he just had to wait for Hugo to die by himself and Alita to walk out with the corpse. But.. what's the fun in that? Twenty minutes is a lot of time. He knew the centurions wouldn't follow him in there. They were too big to go through the small hallways, they simply couldn't fit. He could do whatever he wanted without facing any true trouble. Even if he'd steal the girl's kill. She'd never be able to prove it. Zapan smirked.

"Someone should go see how she's doing."

He started slowly walking to the cathedral, the centurions didn't move, nor did Zapan's friends who had tagged along. The large cyborg puts his Damascus Blade on his shoulder while walking inside. He was incredibly smug. Messing with Alita was always fun to him, mostly when it was about big things like these. She was panicking. Vulnerable. He had to take his change and use the opportunity to really get to her.

Alita heard footsteps coming in and she looks up immediately. Hugo noticed it too. Someone was coming, it was undeniable. Hugo started to slowly panic as well. She had to go. She couldn't protect herself and him at the same time, it was impossible. Alita didn't see it that way. She couldn't go. And while Hugo kept begging her to leave, she gently puts his head back on the ground, off of her lap. She had to protect him, take him outside and run back to the clinic. She knew she could do that, right? But that really depends on who was coming in. Alita stands on her rollerblades. She stood protective in front of Hugo while she waited to see who was coming inside.

Zapan stood in front of the girl within seconds. Alita tried her best to stay strong, she glares at him while he smirks. She wouldn't let him win. Zapan saw right through her. She had cried, he knew it. He could see it about her. And for some reason, it made him happy to see she had. It indicated that she had something to be sad about. If she knew she would make it out alive with Hugo, and there was no way he wouldn't make it, why would she be sad? No, it was the other way around. The chances of him making it were incredibly small and that makes her sad. Zapan lets his blade back down.

"What's the matter, sweets? Are things not working out for you?"

Alita glared some more, but Hugo's soft begging from behind her stopped her from talking back. She didn't have a voice left. The person wanting Hugo to die stood in front of her, while her loved one begged her to go. Tears shot back into Alita's eyes while Hugo told her to run immediately. She didn't want to let her tears fall down, but was very puzzled when Zapan started laughing at her.

"You've weak, cupcake, you can't even finish a bounty. And you call yourself a Hunter-Warrior? Let me help you out."

Zapan stepped forward, planning to walk past Alita and to Hugo. Alita didn't consider allowing it, but she knew he was right. She was weak. She was nothing near as strong as she was when she showed up to help Hugo. Back then, she had hope. She could probably still save him. Zapan was after him, but she could help him. Now, he was on the ground, closer to dying than staying alive. It wasn't just Zapan after them, the centurions wanted them too now, as did Zapan's friends. Two against five just didn't look good for Alita and Hugo. Alita didn't even take her own mental state into consideration yet. She knew this wouldn't work, yet she wouldn't stop trying. She stands tall in front of Zapan to stop him from walking towards Hugo.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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