Chapter Fifty-Three

Start from the beginning

''There will be none for the return journey,'' Frodo tells me. I smile at him sadly. ''I don't think there will be a return journey, Mr Frodo,'' I tell him. He and I share a look. Knowing what is coming next I reach out and help Frodo up.

Togeather we continue to walk towards Mount Doom.

Time Skip

I watch in concern as Frodo continues to stager as if he can not see where he is walking. I turn around and notice the eye turning this way. I fall to the ground behind some rocks. ''Frodo, get down!'' I tell him. 

 He turns around and watches as the light turns on him. As the light hits him he finally comes to his senses and drops to the ground. I continue to call out his name to get a response.

Time Skip

Hermione's Point of View.

We had just arrived at the black gate. I twirl my wand around in my hands. A habit I have picked up from Caroline whenever we were nervous. Harry, Ron and I share looks as we pull to a stop. We all stare at the black gate.

We all look on in high alert. ''Where are they?'' Pippin asks. Gandalf looks around before nodding at Aragorn. Togeather the Fellowship and Eomer all ride up to the gate. I pull my horse to a stop beside Gandalf.

''Let the lord of the Black Land come forth. Let justice be done upon him!''Aragorn yells out. We all watch in trepidation as we heard the chanting of thousands of Orcs behind the gates. With the sound of metal creaking, we all rode back to the men. We all turn around to face the army slowly marching to us. We also notice that the eye is now directed on to us.

Sam's Point of View.

I get up on to my feet when I noticed the light had passed. I walked around to where Frodo was. As I got there his eyes started to open. ''It's okay Mr Frodo. The light has passed on. something has drawn its gaze in the north,'' I tell him. I then help him to his feet and together we start walking while we can.

Hermione Point of View.

Aragorn turns to all of the men. ''Hold your ground! Hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers, my friends,'' Aragorn starts shooting us a look at the last part.

He looks back at the men. ''I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me,' Aragorn begins. ''The day may come when the courage of men fails. When we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. It is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields. When the age of man comes crashing down. It is not this day! This day we fight for what we all hold dear in our hearts. I bid you stand!'' Aragorn rally's up the men.

Third Persons Point of View.

Frodo and Sam climb the face of Mount Doom. Sam drops beside Frodo as he falls face-first into the ground. Frodo lifts his head and stares up. Sam follows his gaze and stares at the top of the volcano. They were so close.

Gimli survey's the amount of Orc's surrounding him before looking up at his elf friend. ''Never thought I would die fighting side by side with an Elf,'' Gimli says. Legolas places a hand on Gimli's shoulder. ''What about side by side with a friend,'' he says quietly yet softly. 

Gimli looks into Legolas's eyes. An understanding that was never there before this journey. ''Aye I could do that,'' Gimli says. Ron Harry and Ron walk up to them. ''Don't think like that. Caroline would kill us if we even let the thought of us dying crossing our minds!'' Ron says, Harry, nodding his head in agreement. Legolas and Gimli smile but nod. Together they all turn to face the enemy.

Sam and Frodo were still sitting on the ground. Sam looks at Frodo. ''Do you remember the Shire Mr Frodo?'' Sam asks sounding tired. ''It'll be spring soon, the orchards will be in blossom. The birds would be nesting in the hazel thicket. They'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields. Eating the first strawberry's with cream,'' Sam reminisces.

Sam looks down at Frodo. ''Do you remember the taste of strawberry's Mr Frodo?'' Sam asks looking down at Frodo.

Frodo opens his eyes and looks at Sam. ''No Sam. I can't recall the taste of food. Nor the sound of water, nor the touch of grass. I am naked in the dark,'' Frodo says. ''There's a veil between me and the wheel of fire. I can see it with my waking eyes,'' Frodo says in a burst of panic.

Sam looks at his friend in anguish and determination. ''Then let us be rid of it. Come on Mr Frodo, I can't carry it for you. But I can carry you come on,'' Sam says with passion. In a burst of strength, Sam hauls Frodo over his shoulder and starts to walk up the mountain.

Back with Aragorn and his men. They all survey the orc's surrounding them. Aragorn raises Anduril as he takes a step forward. In a moment of silence, Aragorn turns to face the Fellowship. ''For Frodo,'' he says. Aragorn then turns to face the enemy and charges forward. 

The next to follow him are Harry, Ron and Hermione joined by Merry and Pippin. Encouraged by the strength of the Hobbits and the Witch and Wizards the rest of the men follow in suit. This is the fight that will determine the fate of Middle Earth.  

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