Chapter Fifty-Three

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Caroline's Point of View.

Next Morning.

I walk towards Harry, Ron and Hermione. ''You guys be careful alright,'' I tell them. ''All of you,'' I say looking at Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn as they arrived. They all nod at me while smiling. I said my last goodbyes Harry, Ron and Hermione before letting them join the others.

I watch as they all start making there way out of the city. I turn around when I could no longer see them. Eowyn sends me a sympathetic smile before looping her arm through mine. I turn one of the guards that had stayed behind to guard the city. 

''I need a peaceful place where my friend and I will not be bothered!'' I tell him. ''Do you have any idea where I would find one?'' I ask him. The guard nods ''Follow me,'' he says. I look at Eowyn before following after the guard.

The guard leads us to a beautiful lookout with plant life. ''This is perfect!'' I say. The guard nods while smiling. ''The washroom is just through that door!'' He tells us. I nod at him in thanks. I turn around towards the door as someone entered the room. 

''I was told by lord Aragorn to bring food to Ladies Caroline and Eowyn!'' The cook tells us. I smile at her. I lay a hand on my small bump when the smell reached me. I rush into the bathroom and over to the toilet. I get down on my knees and throw up into the toilet. Eowyn who followed me in holds my hair back.

Once I was sure I was not going to throw up again I sat up. Eowyn looks at me in concern. ''Don't worry I am assuming this is morning sickness!'' I tell her. She looks at me a bit unsure but nods.

Togeather we get up and make our way out of the room. I apologised to the cook and guard before they left. I ate my food in small bits slowly to make sure I didn't throw up.

I sat in the centre of the room in a meditative position. I grab my necklace and hold on to it. I sigh and look up at Eowyn ''let's get started, shall we?'' I tell her.

I close my eyes and think of Mordor. Next thing I see is plenty of images flow through my head. I then begin my search for Frodo and Sam.

Hermione's Point of View.

I was riding on my horse in between Harry and Ron. ''Do you think she will find Frodo and Sam?'' Ron asks. I look at my boyfriend. I smile and take his hand in mine. ''Ron this is Caroline. Of course, she will find them,'' I tell him. 

We all smile at each other. ''What do you think she will do when she finds them?'' Ron asks. ''Well, she isn't stupid enough to apparate in there while pregnant right?'' Harry asks. We all look at each other and I am hit with a realization.

''Her necklace it allows her to teleport. It's different for her. It's like a wave of magic flowing over her!'' I tell them. We all then quiet down as we ride on towards the black gate. ''I do hope Caroline won't do anything stupid,'' Harry mutters under his breath.

Sam's Point of View.

Frodo and I slide down a small slope on to the road. I look across the plains. I turn to Frodo ''look, the Orcs! They're moving off. See Mr Frodo some luck at last!'' I tell him. Frodo just stares at all of the Orcs that are marching toward the gate.

Frodo turns to me. ''Let's continue,'' he says before walking ahead. I sigh but follow behind him.

I watch as Frodo leans on a rock. He goes to drink from his bottle but finds it empty. I take mine from my pack and walk over to him. ''Take mine. There are a few drops left,'' I tell him. Frodo shoots me a small grateful smile. He takes a small sip before giving it back to me. 

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