Chapter seven

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I woke up and saw Luke awake playing on his phone.

"Hey." I whispered as I started to search for my phone, "What time is it?" I asked Luke.

"Almost ten thirty." he softly spoke as he came to kiss me.

Then Calum quietly opened the door and walked in. "Oh hey Haley you're up." Calum began, "Luke did you meet the new girl yet?"

"Not yet, did you?" asked Luke.

"Yeah Michael introduced me to her earlier. She is really nice and she and Michael seemed to sort of hit it off. I think her name is Taylor if I'm not wrong." answered Calum.

"Cool." Luke replied.

There was another knock at the door. Michael walked in with a girl, who I assumed was Taylor.

"Hey this is Taylor. She is new here and is in the dorm room right next to you and Katie." announced Michael as he looked at me.

I sat up in my bed and quickly fixed my hair into a messy bun. Luke came over and sat by me so that Michael and Taylor could sit down at the table/desk. Calum was sitting on Katie's bed, while playing on his phone. Then Michael introduced us all to Taylor. You could easily tell she was shy but friendly. Next Michael and Taylor left because Michael was going to take her on a tour of the school.

"It looks like they are hitting it off." I blurted.

"Yeah." Calum commented.

I got out of my bed and put a sweatshirt on over my tank-top, along with throwing on my slippers.

"I have to go see if Ashton can drive me to the store so I can get food for breakfast." I announced.

"Ok." spoke Luke as kissed me.

When I shut my room door to cross the hall to Ashton's room, I saw Michael and Taylor laughing down the hall. Then I came up to Ashton and Michael's room and I stared at Michael and Taylor for a bit down the hall and then I knocked.

"Come in!" shouted Ashton.

I cracked open the door to see Ashton sitting up in his bed rubbing his eyes. Then I slowly walked in and quietly shut the door behind me.

"Did I wake you up?"

"Kind of but its okay." Ashton replied.

"Well I was wondering if you could drive me to the grocery store to get breakfast because you and Katie are the only ones who can drive, and I think you are a better driver than her. But never mind because you just got up. Sorry for waking you."

"I'll take you."

"No you don't have to, you just got up."

"No its fine." he assured.

Ashton got up and put on a shirt and slid on some shoes. Then he grabbed his keys and asked if I was ready.

"Yeah." I answered as I walked out with Ashton.

As we started walking down the hall we saw Michael and Taylor talking to each other again. We waved and they both waved back at us.

"I swear they have something going on." whispered Ashton.

"Yeah I bet they do." I whispered back as we kept walking down the long hall.

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