Quatrain: Lover, I Promise

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I. Quatrain Poem: Lover, I Promise

The flames dim; their embers die

My fragile will succumbs tonight

And once again before my eyes

The vision of you; I cannot fight

O sweet Mercy! Come to my aid

Must I suffer? Must I ache?

Pain consumes me and will not fade

She will only I fear, take and take

The travesty of me that still remains

Is paying for her crimes, with each day

But scandal has left me terrible stains

Even after my tries to keep her at bay

Was my offense really so great?

To fall in love and loose the game

Why have I inspired so much hate?

They slander, mock and defame.

O You, who are, my greatest folly!

The one I gave my heart and my soul

You beguiled me, with words of honey

Till, I found, I could never be whole

Your angelic face is just a façade

For I have seen the devil beneath

How long, can you, act this charade?

With that monster lurking underneath

May I ask what was it you have gained?

When you had me played for a fool

Whatever power did you aim to attain?

Your lies have formed a cesspool

And though you glee when I cry

Remember my parting promise

For this will not be, our last goodbye

Remember these words I ask this

For even if it is in another time

I swear to you; I shall return

And for every kiss and every crime

I will watch you, darling, as you burn.

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