Chapter 2

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"Miss Mel, we have observed you and you have anxiety disorder." Said the Docter.

"What does that mean?" Whispered Mel shockingly.

"It means that you have anxious thoughts that make you respond to situations in a inappropriate manner. Like when you were delusional and told Mr. Penely that you don't have a mental illness, that was a sign that you were experiencing anxiety." Said the Docter.

"Oh, I see," Mel said.

"Yes, it is very important that you take your meds and attend the group therapy here at the hospital. Also plenty of exercise and hobbies." The Docter exclaimed.

"I love to read and write. I'm working on a book, right now." Mel said excitedly.

"That is wonderful, Mel. Just make sure that you do the other things I told you about." The doctor said.


I was walking into the lounge area, when I saw this guy. He was hunched over, sleeping. He was wearing a black shirt with a grey Columbia jacket and blue jeans. He had short red hair and a beard. He had hazel eyes. I thought to ask him where the groups were. I lightly touched his shoulder. He awoke and looked at me with a blank stare. I introduced myself and said my name was Mel. He said his name was Cody. Then I asked him where the groups were.

"They are just up the hallway to the right." Said Cody annoyed.

"Are you in any of the groups, Cody?" Mel said.

"Yeah, I'm in all of them." Cody exclaimed.

"You want to walk with me to them?" Mel asked.

"Sure" Cody said.

We walked to the group room.

"Welcome Mel and Cody to the group today." Said one of the staff. "Today we are going to do some art therapy. And listen to some music."

I sat beside Cody. We were given a piece of paper and artist pencils to draw with. I decided to draw a horse. I love horses. I rode a horse when I was little. Im a very good artist. I am taking classes in art at my school. I'm very talented. I noticed that Cody was drawing a Wolf.

"You like wolves Cody?" Mel asked.

"Yeah, i do." Cody exclaimed.

"I like horses." Exclaimed Mel.

Cody looked at my drawing and held his thumb up,  giving a thumbs up.

"You are very talented, Mel." Cody exclaimed and gave me a wink.

We sat in silence for the rest of the group time. Then after supper, they played a movie in the lounge area. We watched Twilight. I wasn't really into vampires and werewolves and that stuff but the movie was good. Then it was time to go to bed. I lay awake for hours, trying to think how my anxiety would affect my life and finishing school and what to do after high school.
Then I heard a knock on my door. I asked who it was, it was Cody.

"I cant sleep can you?" Cody said.

"I thought we are supposed to be in bed for the night.?" Said Mel.

"Ive been here for two years. They don't care what I do." Whispered Cody.

"Well, you cant be in my room so lay in the lounge area." Whispered Mel.

"I'm going to lay by your door. I don't trust the doctors and staff." Said Cody.

"Okay." Said Mel.

The Beauty of the Broken ShellsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora