OBJECTIVE: Stop the Reaper

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(Carter's P.O.V)

It's been exactly two months since our battle against Another Shinobi and our encounter with Kamen Rider Chiteka. Geo and I have had some time to adjust to our new lifestyles. Geo adjusted to his new abilities such as super-strength, speed and his enhanced-durability. Agni and Deva gave a hand whenever they were with us fighting some of those robots that the black-haired woman. 

As for myself, I managed to improve quite a bit on utilizing my element thanks to Gwain's training, allowing me to increase my use of my stronger rider forms from 25 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes, also giving me a chance to increase my uses of water-elemental technique and on my off-duty days, I took my time meeting up with Lanney to just chat. While I talking with her, I was able to learn that she didn't know what her element was.

At the moment, I was just lying on my bed looking at my gear, specifically my set of Ridewatches or rather the only two I have. I did have the Shinobi Mirridewatch at on point, but it was taken by Kamen Rider Chiteka so that still leaves me with two.

Before I was about to get up out of bed when I felt something cold touch my neck, causing me to jump back. The cold touch came from Deva as she was standing beside my bed.

Deva: *giggling* Wow, I didn't think you'd actually be sitting around after a couple of weeks.

Carter: *confused tone* Deva? What are doing here... and how did you get in my room?

Deva: Gwain invited us here, said she wanted to show you something. As for how I got in, Roselle let my in.

I then turned to see Roselle standing in the doorway, then I pulled myself up out of bed as I followed Deva towards a large open area in the castle where we met up with Ami, Geo and the gang to see a board with various papers tacked onto it.

Agni: So what's with the new board?

Carter: *shrugs* I wish I knew, Agni. I was busy trying to improve my elemental control to notice.

Lanney: Perhaps it's some kind request board for the knights and adventures of Gwain?

Deva: Or fliers for special events here at the castle?

???: Actually you got it right the first time.

We then turned around to see Gwain standing right behind us as she walked towards the board.

Gwain: Over the past month we've ben receiving a large number of requests and bounties for various adventurers as well as our kingdom's finest from various villages and cities outside of Gwain, however "this" request board itself is different.

Lanney: *confuse tone* What do you mean, Your Majesty?

Gwain: The requests on this board are special as they are sent by people dealing with "Unique Creatures."

Agni: *confused tone* Unique Creature? You mean like mythical beasts?

Gwain: *shakes her head* No. Either my knights or the adventures themselves would be able to handle those kind of monsters. The creatures that are specified in these requests are monsters which go back as far as the founding of this kingdom. Specifically when the Kamen Riders first appeared.

Agni: *surprised tone* Wait a second... You mean to tell us that this is...

Carter: *confused tone* A request board for Another Riders?

Gwain: Yes. These requests are for tackling Another Riders. However since Kamen Riders are the only capable of defeating Another Riders, Carter will be the only given permission to access the requests on this board.

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