Chapter 1 The News

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I wake up, and I am blinded by the sun coming through my bedroom window. My alarm is beeping at me. I turn off my alarm clock, and someone is knocking on my door. I throw back my blankets, and stand up. I quickly slide my feet into my elegant, silky soft slippers. I walk across my bedroom and open my door to reveal my maid. "Hello, Princess Adriana. Your mother has requested you in the royal dining hall. Immediately," she says, gravely.

I quickly grab my robe off the hook by my door, and start running as I am putting it on. I rush down the marble hallway, down the grand staircase and through the Great Dining Hall's gold doors, encrusted with diamonds and emeralds. My mother, the queen, is waiting for me. She has a worried look on her face, which gives me a sickening feeling in my stomach. I walk to my usual seat, and sit down. There is a lot of food waiting to be eaten, most is still steaming. My stomach growls loudly. My mouth is watering for the gourmet pastries, pancakes, french toast, hot chocolate, fresh strawberries and the others on the table.

I look at my mother, as if to ask if I can eat. She nods, then sits down next to me. "You should eat before we talk," she says glumly. I slowly start digging in, not feeling as hungry anymore. I grab a pastry and put it on my plate, along with some strawberries and a pancake. As I take my first bite, a servant comes in through the small door in the back of the room that connects the Great Dining Hall with the kitchen. He looks as though he had just seen a ghost. He quickly walks to my mother, who has barely put anything on her plate. He says to her, "Your Majesty, we found this in the forest." He holds up a piece of tattered cloth. My mother and I gasp. "My baby.." mother says, "My baby prince.." I stare wide eyed.

I know.. really intense and only three paragraphs in. This is a really short chapter, sorry. A lot more will be coming this weekend, I promise!

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