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We ran to the swing set in the backyard. The swings were young and beautiful again, not stained and overgrown with ivy like I knew they would be someday. He picked his favourite swing, the one near the shed, a safe distance from the pointy-leaf bush. I didn’t mind the one by the bush. It made me feel safe, like I was getting a hug from nature. The boy didn’t swing. We never do. He sat there, grinning wildly. His six-year-old’s toothless smile was gleaming at me, stirring memories I couldn’t seem to place.
Wanna see a magic trick?” the boy asked.
I had to humour him. “Sure,” I said, and his grin widened.
He put his hands together, with one thumb sticking out from under his forefinger. Slowly, he pulled his hands apart from each other.
See, Jaz? I took my thumb off!” he yelled triumphantly.
I knew how the trick was done, but it still made me shudder. He knew I didn't like that trick. I’ve told him this before. I’ve told someone this before…
I stood up from my swing, nearly backing into the bush. My head was pounding.
What’s wrong?” he asked, getting to his feet.
You know—You know I-” I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t say anything. The words wouldn’t come and I was alone.
His brow furrowed. “Jaz, are you okay?”
No—I, I don’t—Who are you?” I stammered. Memories failed me. The world was growing dim, blackening like burning paper around the edges. I couldn’t recall anything about the boy, but he was so familiar. Who was he? I couldn’t place it.
I don’t know this boy.
He looked hurt. “Jasmine, you know me. You’ve always known me…”
I backed away, squeezing my eyes shut and clutching my head. Who are you? Who are you?!
Tears welled up in my eyes. I knew him. I must have known him, but I couldn’t remember!
Someone was screaming… Someone was screaming!
The world was falling apart. I opened my eyes to find that the boy was staring right at me, blinking mussed brown hair out of his eyes.
Couldn’t he hear it? Did anyone understand?
I closed my eyes again, my ears still filled with the sound of someone screaming!

My eyes flew open.
The sight of my cluttered room greeted me.
It was just a dream.
It was all just a dream.
So why was someone still screaming?

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