Part One: The Invitation

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First time on WattPad. Comment and let me know if you guys want a part 2.

"Chelle! You coming tonight?" My friend, Stacy asked, walking from her desk to mine on her way out for the day. For the last few months I'd been so wrapped up in my new job, so my social life has taken a bit of a nose dive. Barely graduated and went straight from my internship to working at the station here in Bellevue. Don't get me wrong, I love doing my articles, I just didn't think they would be so time consuming.
"I don't know Stacy, I have this review I need to finish up before Monday," I protested as I finished logging off of my computer, but she didn't miss a beat.
"Michelle Jimenez, you are almost 23 years old," she reminded me. "You are beautiful and young and need to enjoy yourself before this job kills you." She had worked here for the last five years but looks like she's aged double that. I knew better than to argue with her. "Come on, you're the youngest digital editor I know. Don't let that go to waste. You're never going to keep an audience if you're cooped up on your phone writing all the time."
I finally threw up my hand as I shouldered my purse. "Okay, okay! So what are we doing tonight?"
"Have you ever heard of Night×Wren?" she inquired.
"Night... Ren?" I looked at her with confusion. What is a ren?
"It's this cool club, been around for a few months now, but nobody has been able to review it," she explained to me. A club, yippee. She quickly say my expression sour. "Look, I know what you're thinking already, but it's not like that, well maybe it is. I don't know. Nobody has been able to get in without an invite." My eyes squinted.
"Wait, what?" I asked, thinking, Okay, this was interesting. "You mean you have to be given formal permission to be there. How have they made any money?"
"Wouldn't you like to find out," she teased while giving me a look.
"Oh haha, so if it's so exclusive, how did you get an invite?" I asked as we made our way out of the office and down to the street.
"That's the thing. I don't know," she told me. More and more mysteries surrounding this place and I didn't like it. "I checked my mail yesterday and there was a letter with two tickets and all they said was Night×Wren, 9pm. It's the craziest thing." This was crazy, and I didn't like it. If only I had gone with my gut.
"So what's the plan?" I asked.
"We get dressed up all sexy and go undercover. We'll split notes tomorrow over coffee and if you don't like it, I'll run with it and you can take your... app review... to the chief on Monday." I never liked that. She would always challenge me with those sapphire daggers of hers for eyes. I winced back at her and considered flaking for a moment.
"Fine, but if I don't like it, we're leaving. I don't care how long we're there for," I ordered.
"Yay! This is going to be so fun!" She squealed.
"Yeah, yeah," I brush her off and turn to head home. "I'll see ya tonight."
"Later, Chelle!" she called after me.


I sat on my bed for a minute, staring at my closet thinking about what to wear when my roommate, Rachel, knocked on my door. "Hey Chelle, whatcha got going on tonight?" she asked me. We became best friends in college at U-Dub, go Huskies. Rache was ex-navy, straight to the point. I think all her time putting up with guys hitting on a woman in uniform was what gave her the straightforward attitude. She walked over and sat on my bed, the entire time i kept looking at her eyes. Four years of knowing her and I was still so entranced by what looked to me like a pupil inside of a pupil on her left eye.
"Hey Rache. Stacy somehow got an invitation to this place called Night Ren? I don't know, so I'm trying to figure out what to wear," I explained while glaring at my wardrobe.
"Wait, you're going to Night×Wren?!" she asked, grabbing my wrist with both hands. "Dude, I've wanted to go since they opened up that place!" she complained.
"You know about it?" I asked.
"Yes! It's the trendiest place ever! Nobody that has been is allowed to talk about it," she told me. She stood up and walked over to look at my closet for a quick second and grew a disgusted expression. "Oh, we cannot let you go there wearing any of this stuff. When do you have to be there?"
"I have to be at Stacy's by 8:15."
"Perfect, we'll run to the mall and get you something sexy to wear." I tried to stop her as she ran out the door.
"Wait!" I called down the hall with futility then looked back at my room. "What's wrong with my clothes?"
We got to the mall with an hour to spare and ran into the first store with a maxi dress on a mannequin in the display. "No, no, no," Rachel kept chiming out without even looking up from her phone.
"Oh come on, at least look!" I yelled.
"I don't need to," she told me. "I can tell just from how you walk out that it's not the right one." I tried on maybe six or seven before Rachel finally looked up from her phone. "Ding ding ding, winner," she said as she stood up.
"Really? This feels... tight," I complained. It was an asymmetric grey dress with black accents that hugged every one of my curves. I even had to take off my panties just so it would fit. Thinking back on it, I kinda laugh about the whole thing. It wouldn't have made a difference.
She put a hand on my shoulder and said, "It's sultry, and you want sultry. Go get changed and we'll buy it real fast."
A quick change in a car later and Rachel dropped me off in front of Stacy's building with five minutes to spare. "Tell me how it goes!" she called out before speeding off.
I sighed and said to myself, "Okay Chelle, we're just gonna go in, someone will grab my ass under the loud music, and we'll leave. Simple night." I actually clapped like I might as well have said, "Ready, break!" Stacy came down wearing a wine red dress that hugged her porcelain skin and heels to match.
"Hey Chelle, love the dress," she greeted. "Ride's just about here." Just as she said that, the dark blue sedan pulled up and we got in.
"Evening, ladies," our driver said. He had this gruff tone in his voice and a salt and pepper beard. "Never been to this address before, where ya headed?"
"Night×Wren," Stacy told him as we drove there.
"I've heard of that place," he said as he turned down another road according to his GPS. "Somethin' like Pandora's Box with how secretive it is." A few minutes of chit chat later and we pulled into a line of different cars.
"Okay, this is impressive," Stacy said. She looked to tell me but I was already writing notes into my phone. We were the eighth car in line, so it was a while before we got to the door, but once we did a valet opened it for us and we stepped out then were escorted inside.
"I thought you said this was a club," I reminded Stacy. She shrugged her shoulders at me.
"Beats the hell out of me," she said. "Classiest club I've ever been to." There was a small black bird with a faint blue glow behind it, I assume the logo instead of the name. Upon stepping through the heavy black doors, I saw tall vaulted ceilings and columns. The line led to the bar, but I wasn't exactly interested in drinking. Stacy, on the other hand, was more than ready. "Ooh! I could use a margarita. You want anything?" She offered, already sauntering through the line.
"Water's fine," I said before walking to the next set of doors. Was there really a doorman on the inside of the building?
"Apologies, miss," he said as he stopped me. "Do you have your ticket?" He stood rather tall and muscular, with a short haircut and some stubble, sort of like a no nonsense kinda guy.
"Oh, no, my friend does," I explained. I figured he knew I couldn't have even gotten here without an invite.
"Would you kindly wait next to me for your friend?" he asked then gestured to his side in front of a desk with an open palm. I will admit, I was impressed how well he had been trained. The owner must have paid very well. A few couples had come up and showed him their tickets. He pulled a blacklight out of his pocket to check them then handed them his clipboard, interesting. "Owner's policy states that you will maintain the secluded nature of this establishment. If you don't agree, you are free to depart and we will hail a cab for your safe return home." The two shrugged and signed the forms then he radioed for another staff member from inside to escort them. This place continued to get more interesting by the minute.
Stacy finally came by and greeted us. "Hey Chelle, making a friend?" She said with a coy smile.
"I will admit, he's very gentlemanly," I remarked.
He chuckled before taking the tickets from Stacy. "Owner keeps me on a tight leash," he joked. At least, back then I thought it was a joke. He handed us the clipboard for our agreements and we signed and then he grabbed a second clipboard of the desk next to him.
"What's this one for?" I asked.
"The nature of your tickets warrants this second agreement," he explained. "At some point you may be asked to volunteer, it is completely voluntary and if you choose not to, you will be given a reflective wristband so you won't be called on." Made sense. I went to give the pen back, but Super Stacy stopped me.
"Oh come on, Chelle. Live a little," she protested. I groaned, but I figured she already got me out here, so I signed it. He put the clipboards down then radioed for the chauffeur again. He lit our tickets with a blacklight as well then led us inside to our seats. This was not a club. This was no club I'd ever heard of. We walked under a balcony to our seats and I saw several tables with hors d'oeuvres and patrons seated already. It seemed we were one of the last groups to show up.
Our table was in the row nearest the stage. I guess that explained the second form. We took our seats and the lights dimmed. I looked around and saw a lot of people with the same confused look I had, but when I looked up into the balcony, it seemed everyone up there knew exactly what was going to happen. Slow, sensual music began to play followed by the rhythmic taps of stiletto heels as someone walked out onto the stage. A light from the ceiling shot straight down and showed half her body. I wasn't sure if this was a mistake or not because she began to move in time with the music and the light continued to show only that exact half of her body.
I thought my eyes were deceiving me because for a few more seconds it looked like there were shadows dancing as well. A muscular man in a suit joined her with his entire body illuminated. She slowly pulled his jacket off, keeping time with the music. These people had to have trained for a long time, they had the most serious looks on their faces. She threw his jacket off and then he grabbed her by the neck. I was floored. Were we really about to watch this man abuse someone for fun? But that's when it happened.
Spotlights illuminated all the other performers. All kinds of people had hands on their necks by all kinds of partners. Their partners all reached into their back pockets then put collars on the ones now kneeling for them. How did they keep so in sync with the music? With collars fastened, each of the... let's just say leaders placed their fingers under the followers' chins and guided them back to standing. They followed them in a circle before the leaders turned and pushed them to the ground and walked toward them with the followers slowly crawling back with enough pace for the leaders to catch up and put their feet on the chests of each person on the floor. Followers arched their backs and touched their heads to the floor before reaching for the leaders. The leaders helped them back up and pulled them close. I thought they were all going to kiss, but just before lips met, the music stopped and the lights all cut out.
I heard the balcony applaud first followed by our level. I clapped too, the entire thing was mysterious, but fascinating. I reached for an hors d'oeuvre and accidentally brushed the hand of another person at my table. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I whispered to her.
"No, it's my fault, I'm sorry," she apologized. "Didn't realize someone else was getting hungry." From what I could tell, she looked to be early thirties and maybe blonde. She looked at me for a second then said, "would you like some advice? You seem new."
"Uhh, sure," I said. She took a bite then smirked.
"Just relax," she told me. "What's on stage is entirely different in their heads. It's all just having fun, so have fun."
I tried to listen to her words, but it seemed a bit more difficult as the show went on. More and more... exotic performances followed more fascinating than the last. As they continued, I would see several members of the audience get called up to help. Some were really nervous, but tried their best, some seemed like they were already pros. I thought we'd finally reached the end of the show when the music made a very strange change. Instead of violins or chorus, I heard drums and guitars with the same distortion. Brooding melodies took over as two spotlights shown in the center of the room and a caramel-skinned woman with long, dark hair stepped into the light.
She wore what I could only think was a leather corset that went all over her to cover her most intimate parts. Along with that, she had on fishnets and black high-heel boots. She slowly stepped forward in time with the music as a collection of chains descended from the floor. She wrapped the chains around her wrists and ascended until she was just about as high up as the balcony. She performed all these poses while she was up there, stretching her arms and legs in different directions until she finally came back to the floor. The music got low as she walked down the stairs to us. Wait, us?
She reached a hand out to me and beckoned my company, crooking a finger. My eyes went wide and I looked at Stacy. She mouthed, "go!" and I realized I was powerless in the moment. I gave a quick sigh and took her hand. She led me back up to the stage and I tried to follow her pace to stay in time with the music. She had me stand in the center as she walked circles around me.
She looked me up and down a few times analyzing me before finally saying, "I'm going to assume you didn't prepare underwear for tonight's festivities." I blushed hard and I guess the audience thought it was all part of the show because I heard some whistles. The performer didn't seem to like that though and turned right to the audience then brought a finger to her lips, silencing them immediately.
She went back to circling me and I felt extremely nervous now. "I have no doubt by now you understand that nudity isn't beyond the norm here, but can you live with that, Ms. Jimenez?" Okay, that was scary. My eyes shot wide open.
"How do you know my name?" I quickly asked over the roar of guitars.
"I'll make you a deal, follow my lead and I'll explain, sound fair?" she asked. I had no choice, so I simply nodded. She slowly walked toward me and whispered in my ear. "I want to hear it, Ms. Jimenez," she commanded then walked a noticeable distance from me, almost as if she knew I would stand there frozen in fear.
I stood there frantically thinking of a way out, but I realized the only way out was through. "Okay!" I called to her. She turned and smirked at me then cupped her hand behind her ear to signal she couldn't hear me. I plucked all my courage and called over the music, "you have a deal!"
With a smile, she crooked her finger again, beckoning me over to her. It was then I realized I was standing in the middle of the chains. She pressed her hands against my shoulders and repeated into my ear what that audience member said. "Just relax," she told me. "What happens next is entirely different than what they see. It's all just having fun, so have fun." She brought her lips to the skin on my shoulder but she didn't kiss me. She moved her hands down to my wrists and pulled them straight up then slid them down my skin back to my dress.
I was nervous, but it was exhilarating. She made sure to keep to my sides as she continued down, sliding past my hips until she got to my thighs then moved to the front and used only her nails to trail down to my ankles. The feel was... I'll admit it, it was hitting about as hard as Stacy's margaritas. Once she reached my ankles, she cuffed and locked them with what looked like leather cuffs, but the inside was extremely soft. Next she came to my front and slowly used her nails to scratch up the backs of my legs then up my hips all the way up to my hands as chains descended to us where she then cuffed and locked my wrists.
She mouthed to me, "ready?" and I nodded. My heart was racing, but I started to float off the floor. I couldn't help but squeak then crossed my legs. Almost as if she'd planned it, she clicked her tongue and shook her head. As she walked around me. She walked around me and I tried to track her with my eyes until she went behind me then retreated to trying to stay calm. My eyes shot wide open though when I heard then felt the cutting of fabric. She was cutting my dress! I was slowly thanking God my body wasn't spinning or everyone would see my ass, it didn't stop there though. She came back around holding tailor shears and cut straight up the middle of my dress, revealing my entire naked body to the audience.
Some part of me was in shock, but another part of me felt amazing. I was scared and powerless but, I was enjoying it? My legs slowly started coming up in front of me and I curled up to cover my shame, but she put a hand against my stomach and I stopped. I felt like I shouldn't have, but I trusted her, so I didn't hide. I went upside down as the music seemed to build up tension. I thought my heart would explode out of my chest as she blindfolded me.
"Enjoying yourself?" she asked. Why? Why did I do it? What compelled me to nod, let alone with such excitement? She laughed and said, "good to hear." Just as the crescendo came in, I felt a slap. Against my ass. It stung but it wasn't painful. I... I moaned. Oh my god. What was this woman doing to me? She did it again and I moaned again. It was amazing. Next I felt something like pins scratch gently down my inner thigh and I couldn't stop myself from continuing to make sounds telling her I was enjoying it. I was. She continued this torment so intensely that I didn't even notice I was slowly coming back down and standing on my feet. She slowly removed my blindfold and I wanted to kiss her. I leaned in but she put a finger to my lips just as the music cut off so the entire audience heard her simply say, "Shhh," as all the lights faded, blacking out the entire building.
Silently and swiftly, she unlocked me and guided me backstage. "I'm terribly sorry about destroying your dress on stage," she said as a helper brought me a towel, I'd completely forgotten I was naked and quickly wrapped up. "It seemed new, if you have the receipt with you, I'll reimburse you," she offered. "I'll be right back. Come on everyone!" The entire cast followed her out to the stage where she thanked the entire audience and wished them farewell before gathering applause. The helper came back over with a chair and a bottle of water.
"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Thank you." I sat down and waited for her to return which didn't take too long and she even brought Stacy.
"Thank you for waiting," she told me.
"That was amazing!" Stacy told me then almost squeezed the life out of me from hugging so hard. "I didn't know you could do that!"
"Neither did I," I told her before blowing some hair out of my face. "She just told me to follow her lead." Thinking about it, my heart was still racing and some other places were beginning to ache.
"And you were such a good sport! Thank you so much for playing along." She then caught herself and composed a mild expression then extended her hand. "I'm sorry. My name is Nyx, I own Night×Wren. Oh, Travis, can you please get Ms. Jimenez some clothes for the trip home?" She asked another helper who looked me over then ran off to the wardrobe. Upon hearing my name, I remembered our deal.
"That reminds me," I chimed back in as seats were brought for Nyx and Stacy to sit. "How do you know my name?"
"Well, I'm the owner," Nyx shrugged. "Once everyone was seated, I looked over the volunteer forms and googled all the names to match faces." I'll be honest, it felt like a stupid question once she answered it.
"Why me, though?"
"By the time it was my turn to perform, you were one of very few who hadn't either volunteered or was too inebriated to volunteer," she explained further. I thought about that and the forms, but I couldn't help but think about the entire experience.
"How do you afford all of this?" I inquired.
"Ah-ah-ah," she said, raising a finger. "You already forgot. I googled you. I already know you and Ms. Vicks work for the Report. Can't give you all of my secrets. The more you know, the more likely you are to break your NDA's." Shit. Of course those were Non-disclosure Agreements. How else would she be able to keep this place a secret? Anyone talks, and she can just sue. "I will tell you this. Those who apply for membership help keep the lights on as well as get to learn the ropes. Chances are: since you got the invite, someone higher than you or just knows you has been here. That's how my viewership runs every friday." This time it was Stacy's turn.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I have the people who saw the last performance invite the next audience." Nyx explained. "Each couple gets a set of two tickets to put in an envelope and then has it mailed to another couple, and since it's pretty much anonymous, if it's something the next couple doesn't like, the previous couple doesn't have to feel ashamed because their secret is safe. With that said, here is your envelope. Pick a couple, mail it to them."


I sat in the car on the way home trying to process everything that had just happened. I knew I couldn't talk about it, but the reporter in me had to know more. "Who should we send it to?" Stacy said. "All my friends are definitely prudes. Well.. not all of them." She nudged my shoulder and I brushed her off and shushed her nodding my head to the driver. "Oh. Right."
I thought about it for a minute, I had to get back in and find out more. How did she figure out such a successful system? How do people get membership? How do I get to be on that stage again? Then it hit me. "I know someone," I tell her. "Don't worry about it, I'll send it off."
"Oh. Okay, if you say so," she plainly told me then handed me the envelope. Who else? I wrote my roommate's name. We've been roommates since we were sophomores, of course she'd take me with her. I got home and laid down in my bed running through the entire night's events again and again in my head over and over. I was going to get back in Night×Wren.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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