"Awww poor Minho all in problems with himself"

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•••Minho POV•••

"So, Minho. You will need this extra dedication I give you to get up those grades." Miss Lawern told me with a smile on her old shaped face.

"You are the only one I give this opportunity, Minho. Be grateful." I nodded awkwardly and she walked away. Leaving me in the classroom alone.

I sigh and got up. Grabbing my bag and jacket.

I walk out the classroom quickly and put all the shit in my locker.

Suddenly Thomas grabbed my shoulders, trying to scare me.

"What?" I smirked when he saw I wasn't surprised.

"We have basketball training with Alby today. You didn't forgot did you?" I shook my head and walked with Thomas to the sport hall.

"I just got that stupid extra dedication. I have to get my god damned grades up." I sigh and walk into the sport hall.

"I can help if you want to." Thomas smiled and I nodded in thanks.

We walked into the washroom we quickly put out clothes on and we walk into the sport hall again, where Alby stood in his training suit.

"The two of you can run 5 laps." His voice echoing into the big hall. Even before we stood even close to him he already started to train us hard.

"Oh my Gawed! Good afternoon Alby! So much fun to see you here again." I say sarcastically and start to run, followed by a already tired out Thomas.

•••2 hours later•••

"Guys come here please." Alby called to us. We stopped with training and walked to our trainer.

"What?" I ask inpatient and put my hands on my hips.

"Training stops early'r today. A new student gets here and Principal Gally wants me to show a new student around." Alby walked towards the door, "2 laps and then you guys are done for today." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Thomas sighed and started to run. I smile and walk to the washroom. I'm so done for today.

After I am already showered and done to go home, Thomas runs up to me.

"You haven't run! That is not fair!" I gave him a mocking look and walked towards the door.

"See you tomorrow Thomas." I smiled and go home.

Homework time.

•••11 PM•••

How was homework going? - Thomas

:/ - Minho

Oooh... - Thomas

I don't have anybody to interview. - Minho

You can interview me :) -Thomas

T have to be someone I don't know. And Miss Lawern knows we are best friends. - Minho

Did you just called me best friend! MINHO YOU LOVE ME -Thomas

Don't blow up from happiness Slinthead -Minho

You love me Minho! -Thomas

Shut -Minho

It -Minho

Up -Minho

You still love me -Thomas

*sigh* -Minho

Oh come on! Tomorrow we'll find somebody to interview. - Thomas

K -Minho

See you tomorrow -Thomas

See you -Minho

•••school first hour•••

"I DON'T WANT TO INTERVIEW GREENIES! They are too young." I complain and let my head drop on the table.

"Awww poor Minho all in problems with himself." Thomas laughed and patted my shoulder.

"I'm more in problems with miss Lawern then myself." I looked up from the table when Alby walked into the room.

"-and this is your first class." He pointed into the classroom.

"This is maths from Henk." Alby pulled a smaller boy inside.

The boy was looking pretty young. And yes also pretty. He was blonde and his eyes deep and dark. He softly smiled and the sun reflected in his braces. He was wearing a big black sweater and dark sneakers. He had a backpack on his back he had a dark green cap on his head. He looked so mysterious.

He was stunning.

"HE!" I stood up and pointed at the confused guy.

"YOU." I say again making Thomas chuckle and the boy almost flee away.

"What are you doing?" Alby asked me confused and help the boy in his place.

"I need HIM." I point at him again and his eyes grow wide.

"Me?" He asked with a voice with so much accent in it that I could slap him for being so god damned cute.

"Yea. You." I study him closer and Thomas was laughing so hard that he gasped for air.

"I didn't do anything. I swear." The boy softly said and I nodded.

"Minho. What are you doing?" Alby asked annoyed and I sigh. Not all to eager to explain everything again.

"I need to interview someone, and I want you." I point at the boy again and Alby shook his head.

"Leave him alone Minho." He said and The Boy shoved Alby away softly, without any bad force.

"Of course I want to help you. But what do I have to do?" The Boy asked and I smiled at how open this mysterious boy was.

"Answer my questions, thats all." He nodded and he gave me a piece of paper.

I loved this guy so much! His body shone happiness!

"You can call me for a appointment, then you may interview me." He suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Thank you." I shook his hand and he shook mine with a cute smile on his face.

"Good that." The boy looked at a startled Alby, he waved and then walked to a empty chair somewhere in the middle section of the classroom.

He walked in a strange way, but that comes later. In the interview.

He took his text book and a pencil out his bag and looked at his schedule.

He seemed to like it.

"See you at the sport hall Minho." Alby said and gave me a high five.

I walk back to Thomas and sit down, turned to look at the spot the boy sat down.

After a short silence Thomas looked at me with a smirk. "Why him?"

"I could feel like I needed it to be him." I say and keep staring at how the boy drank some lemonade out a bottle.

"Thats love, Minho." Thomas smiled and clapped his hands.

"You love him AND he gave you his number." Thomas made a whoop and just before I was going to slap him, the teacher came inside the classroom.

"Okay. Lets begin the lesson." He sighed and addressed me, "Minho turn to me please." I sigh and do as he say.

"I will miss looking at the pretty new kid." I say extra loud to make sure the boy heard me.

The boy giggled, and then the lesson started.

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