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Riku: Bro we need to get out of here,like right now.
Fumiko: Then what should we do?

Me and my big bro are walking in circles of what should we do to get away from that old lady.

Riku: I got it, we should run away from this house at night.
Fumiko: Good thinking.

At night, the old lady was asleep so we took our bag, and went to the door and ran as fast as we could, after we were far from the old lady we found an old house near by.

Fumiko: HELLO!
Riku: Maybe no one lives here.
Fumiko: yeah, we'll sleep here for the night.

We got into the floor and slept there.

The next day, we woke up from a sound of bells ringing out side we opened the door and alot of people outside ringing bells on their food

Riku: I guess that's a part of the tradition right,
wait what date is today?
Fumiku: December 16.
Riku: It's the Emperor's birthday,should we go outside?
Fumiko: Yes, but we should be careful.

Big bro and I walked around for a bit,and suddenly we heard our name,and we knew who it was.

Both: It's the old lady!
Fumiko: hide!

We hid under a table near by until we know the coast is clear.

Riku: Is she gone?
Fumiko: I'll check.

Fumiko peeked underneath the fabric and looked around if the old lady is gone.

Fumiko: The coast is clear, let's go.

We both ran so fast that we didn't know where were going.

                      TO BE CONTINUED

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