"You ok?" He raises his eyebrow. 

"Yeah, just-just finish this." You point to the car and turn around to get back to Sam. He is already sitting on grass, reading some book. You sit next to him, looking over his shoulder.

"What is it?" You question when Sam doesn't say anything.

"Oh, sorry, it's about supernatural stuff." He answers, rewarding you with a smile.

"Show me." You sit closer to him and he starts to explain you some pictures or some words you don't understand. Meanwhile Dean is working on your car.

"I guess I'm finished. You can try to start it." Dean interrupts your lesson with Sam. You stand up, dusting down your jeans. Once you get into your car, you pray: Please work.

You try to start your car a few times but it doesn't want to work.

"Oh come on!" You mutter under your breath. After the fifth try you give up, hitting the steering wheel with your fists. You jump from your seat and walk to Dean, who is frowning.

"What's wrong with my car? Why is it not working?" You whine.

"I don't know. I fixed everything I could."

"What am I going to do?" You groan, throwing your hands in the air in frustration. Dean looks at Sam who nods.

"Well, we have one seat free." Dean offers.

"But what about my car?"

"We can call Bobby, our friend. He would be able to take care of it." Sam joins the conversation.

"He would if he didn't live so far away. I can't ask him to drive here all the way just because of my car."

"You know Bobby?" Dean asks, surprised.

"Of course I do." You answer like it's not important.

"Don't worry, (y/n). He has contacts everywhere. Someone else will drive it." Sam tries to assure you.

"I guess I have no choice then." You say, taking your phone.

"Let me call him." Dean stops you. You raise your eyebrow in a nonverbal question, but Dean ignores it and calls him by himself.

"Hey Bobby, it's Dean...do you remember (y/n)?...Yes, that's her...It's about her car..." Sam pats your shoulder.

"We should put your stuff in our car." You nod in agreement and stop listening to Dean.

While Dean is talking to Bobby, you and Sam move all your stuff to Impala. You put your weapons in the trunk and your bag on the backseat.

At the same time you finish it, Dean also ends his call. You give him a question look when he turns to you, which he answers with a sentence you want to hear. Bobby will take care of your car and maybe even fix it.

"Thanks." You smile at Dean.

"No problem." He smiles back and sits into the Impala. Sam sits on the frontseat and you on the backseat. You feel relieved when you know that someone will make sure that your car is alright. You lean on a window and once you hit the road, you fall asleep.

Suddenly you fall on the floor. You squeak.

"That's why you should wear a seatbelt." Dean comments your fall, laughing. You sit back on your seat and even though you hate to admit that Dean is right, you fasten your seatbelt.

"How much longer will we drive?" You ask, yawning.

"30 minutes." Dean replies. You move forward, resting your chin on Sam's backrest. Sam sleeps as well. 

"I'm so hungry." You complain.

"Same." Dean chuckles.

"Maybe we could stop somewhere." You suggest.

"You know that we agreed that we will stop for lunch in West Plains." He laughes at you. You groan and sit back comfortably in your seat.

The rest of the journey passes slowly, but you kill the time with Dean and sometimes with Sam when he isn't asleep or reading.

In the end of the journey you are quite happy that your car broke. Because if it didn't you would still hate the Winchesters which would be a shame. During the 4 hours you realise that you had hated them almost for nothing. Of courseyou had to kill Sophie because of the messed up hunt, but it could have happened to any hunter.

When you arrive at the motel, it is already pretty dark. However, you jump out of the car, stretching your legs.

"Wait here. I'm gonna check if there are any free rooms." Dean commands and disappears into the darkness. You lean on the car, looking at stars and waiting for Dean. Sam is still in the car, refusing to go out if there aren't any free rooms.

"I paid for one room for this night. I hope it isn't any problem, (y/n)." Dean says, making you jump because he walks so quietly so you didn't notice him.

"One room? There isn't one more?" You ask, maybe looking too afraid.

"What? Are you afraid of us?" Dean grins.


"Don't worry (y/n), there are 3 beds." Dean cuts in on you. You blush. You didn't mean like that, it's just you need a personal space...But why not, at least you will save some money.

You quickly grab your bag and follow Dean and Sam to your room.

You put your bag on a bed which is furthest from the door. You always sleep there because you feel safer.

It is already 10 pm and you want to call Bobby before you go to bed.

"I am going out." You announce and go outside before one of the boys can say anything. You walk to the Impala, sit on the bonnet and call Bobby. He assures you that your car is on the way to his place so you thank him and wish him good night. After the call with Bobby you feel like you should call Henry as well but you better let it go. When you start to feel cold, you go back in to the room. When you enter, Sam is reading and Dean is watching TV. They nod at you before you make your way to the bathroom. You take a quick shower, put on your pyjamas - shorts and James's T-shirt - and brush your teeth. You don't really know why you still wear James's T-Shirt. It's something from your old life but you are not the same person anymore. Hunting's changed you.

When you get out of the bathroom, Dean gestures at you to watch TV with him. You are pretty tired but you don't want to go to bed yet. You sit next to him on the couch and watch with him Dr. Sexy. After a while Sam falls asleep with his nose in a book. You can hear him snoring and you start to feel sleepy as well. After few minutes you can't hold your eyes open and you drift off to sleep. When you are sleeping you slowly move closer to Dean, snuggling to his side, because you start to be a bit cold. Once you rest your head on his shoulder he chuckles. He finds you cute but he still isn't sure who you really are. You look familiar to him, like he saw you somewhere, but he can't remember where. Sam has the same feeling but he can't remember either. When you start to shiver, he puts his arm around you, pulling you closer to warm you up. Once he starts to feel sleepy, he takes you in his arms and gently puts you on your bed. He covers you with a blanket before he goes to his own bed.

Sooo what do you think? Do you like it?:)

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