Chapter 2: A New Dawn and New challenges

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It was finally morning in the kingdom of Melromarc as the four Cardinal heroes were woken up from their beds and escorted back to the throne room where the King awaits. There were also twelve different individuals in front of the King: Knights, Adventurers, and Mages of different shapes and sizes waiting for their cardinal heroes to come in and begin to follow them.

The throne door opens, and the four heroes come into the large room where many of the nobles of the kingdom were watching from above as an audience. Once the four of them were at the center of the room the King finally spoke, "We have gathered the best warriors of the land. These brave souls will fight the waves alongside you."

The other three heroes we're wondering how the process will exactly work to pick team members, with Motoyasu in particular excited about the ladies. But Bakugou just had his arms crossed with an angry look on his face not impressed by the party members.

The king speaks up again, "Now future champions, the time has come to begin your journeys!"

The large group of champions all walked toward the four heroes picking whoever they want to follow.

Itsuki had three champions, Ren had the most with five, and Motoyasu had four all who were girls.

Bakugou had no one, none of the champions chose him so he continues to stand there with no one willing to follow him. Despite this Bakugou continue to stand in silence with his arms cross not acting upset about it.

The King took notice, "Well it seems no one has chosen the Shield hero. I loathe to admit it but even I didn't expect this."

"Not from me, after how he acted in front of the King yesterday, I can understand why no one wants anything to do with him," Itsuki says quietly to himself.

The King spoke up again after an advisor whispered to him, "I've been made aware of a rumor that has been spreading around town that the shield hero is a loud violent mentally unstable individual. It looked like it influenced the choice of the champions."

"Rumor!? Ha, it's a definitive fact that Bakugou is a psychopathic asshole. All it takes is just a good look at him and it's clear as day." Motoyasu mocks Bakugou while he rubs his bandage covered nose from the headbutt yesterday.

Bakugou continued to remain silent making everyone weirded out, they knew how explosive the hero acted yesterday and yet here he has no reaction to the fact he has no party members.

It even drew the king's attention, "Sir Shiel...Bakugou are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, can we just get on with this already?" Bakugou finally speaks up.

This somewhat confused the king, "Are you not upset that you have no party members?" he asked

"I don't need any "party members" right now. I will be fine by myself." Bakugou answers back.

Motoyasu decided to mock Bakugou again, "With just your shield? Ha, you're not going to last long out there. Not that I care if you get eaten by a giant toad or something."

"Want me to break that nose again?" Bakugou threaten him

Motoyasu didn't say anything else but he did growl and gave off an angry face at Bakugou for reminding him of the incident last night.

Ren had also decided to speak up, "I honestly don't blame Bakugou. I prefer to go at it alone myself. Those that can't keep up will be left in the dust." he says to himself and then to his crew behind him.

Itsuki also commented, "I would say we should split the team's 3 a piece to be fair, but I hardly call having to constantly be with Bakugou to be fair."

King Explosion Murder the Shield HeroWhere stories live. Discover now