Chapter One

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Hey guys this book is not really a story but more likely a journal or maybe a story .Ion really know how to explain it but I hope y'all understand.

This will consist of many changes of characters due to a real life relationship story.
I chose not to use the original names of  the characters.

Hope y'all get me.

Enjoy !!!!

My name is Alana King and I am 14 years of age .I currently live with mom in a nuclear family. My father and mother broke up from I was a younger age,from about age 5 or younger. I am not really sure.

I didn't grew up with seeing love and if there was love it's only tough love .My only friends were boys from my community so I adopted their everything and becomes a Tom Boy.

Six Years Ago

"Who wanna  go to the water fall?",my friend Jovan asked us where five of us was sitting under a mango tree eating mangoes. Jovan ,Jt , Jerome, Cj and I.

"Come on .Let's go ",My cousin Jt agreed.

"Are you coming Alana?",he asked.

"Sure let's go ",I told him always excited of these stuffs.

We ran through the bushes and into the direction to the fall .They were more faster than I and one to two years  older.

I slow down to catch my breath as I heard the water splashing against the banks loudly.

Reaching in view of the water fall they were already inside splashing each other and enjoying their selves.

I look at them laughing enjoying the vibe pulling my blouse over my head .

"Watch out!! ", I shout jumping into the stream of the falls.

We all laugh as they swim around and I move around splattering each other.(Alana cannot swim )

"It's getting late guys,we need to go ", I told them always being the mature one.

"No ,not as yet .It's going to rain so let's wait on it to rain",my cousin Jt shouts .

"No ,Come on guys .Am easily sick remember ",I told them.

"So .....You can easily dry out your hair ",Jt debates with me .

I hiss "Okey ,Do whatever you guys want,Am here waiting", I told them getting out of the water swinging my blouse over my shoulder and sit on the banking putting my foot in as the water rush over them.

A loud thunder echoed through the sky and I stand up "It is what it is am leaving guys",I told them walking off.

"Wait up Nicky !"Cj called to me .

"Am coming with you ",he continues and I smiled. He will forever be my best nigga.

Another thunder echoed and the rain comes pouring down .

"It's time to go!",Jovan shouts getting out of the water following by Jt.

They all laugh and I rolled my eyes knowing my mom will be pissed.

"Let's go ! ",Cj shouts and we followed him.

Always being the slowest I was behind them rushing through the bushes. Water running down on our body as our feet splashes into the water puddles.

"Guys I need to rest ", I shout running my hand down my face coughing.

"We need to get going Alana",Jovan pulled me by my blouse .

I tried to catch my breath for a moment then nod and continue running .

Reaching home we all went our separate ways .

My mom was sitting in the living room pissed .

"Where were you Alana ?.You better go shower and dry out your hair before I whoop your ass. You know that you are very sickly __",she continue to cursed .

"Am sorry Mom !",I shouts running into the bathroom to shower.

Finish showering I got dressed in my pijamas and went to eat dinner. After dinner I went to my room and take my asthma pump making sure my hair is well dried .

I lay across my bed under the cool breeze of my fan looking out the window as the water rushes down the glass .

I exhale and closed my eyes .My body feeling tired from the fall beaten on my skin.
A thunder rolled was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed the start of this  story .

Please vote and comment  and please stay intune for more.

XoXo Nicky ....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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