some basic info about me :)

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I decided that if you're going to read a book based on events in my life then you might as well know a little bit of stuff about me, so here you go!

1) Hobbies? singing, reading, writing, doing word-searches and drawing

2) Favorite drink? razzleberry peace tea

3) Favorite movie? A Silent Voice, it made me cry a few different times throughout the whole movie, but it was really good

4) Favorite book and author? don't have a fav author but I enjoy Hope and Other Punch Lines by Julie Buxbaum.

5) Favorite song? Landlord by Yot Club or Knee Deep at ATP by Lovejoy (cover of the original version by Los Campesinos)

6) Favorite school subject? engineering or

7) Favorite musical artist? Lovejoy

8) What are some of your best and worst quality traits? I'm a little slow when it comes to certain topics. I'm also emotionally sensitive and have some anger issues. some good traits I have are that I'm easy-going and understanding. I've also heard that I'm quite intelligent of you could consider that a trait

9) Where are you from? I was born in Indiana, but I'm half (I think) German

10) What's are your top three favorite colors? black, maroon, sage green

11) What are your biggest fears (phobias)? I have acrophobia (heights), aichmophobia (needles or pointed objects), arachnophobia (spiders) trypanophobia (injections)

that'll be it for this, but don't be scared to ask more questions if you have any :)

dear diaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon