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Ling was requested to assist TAPOPS to clean up the mess after the fight between Retakka and Boboiboy. Due to her growing up in a clean environment, she fell sick the third day. Since her home was a few lightyears away, she had to stay in TAPOPS infirmary. Boboiboy and his friends decided to pay her a visit with a basket of fruit. 'Knock, knock', Fang knocked on the door, 'May we come in?' he asked. 'Sure' Ling replied with a small cough. Once they got in, Kaizo was already there sitting next to her. 'Sorry if I give you more trouble instead of helping.' Ling gave a weak laugh, feeling embarrassed. 'It can't be help since the place you lived were fresh and greenery. Take as much time as you can to rest. Once you're fully recovered, you may continue assisting us with the cleanup.' Kaizo looked at her as Ling sighed. 'We've brought some fruits for you. I hope these can make you feel better.' said Boboiboy, the others nodded in agreement. 'Thank you guys, you are being a great help for me.' Ling smiled at them. 'Let's go cadets, give her some space to rest while we continue on cleaning.' Kaizo stood up as he headed to the door. 'I thought we will be given some rest too uhuhu...' Gopal protested. 'Not until we finish up the mess Gopal' Ying shot him a looked and he shut his mouth up. 'Get well soon!' Yaya waved at Ling as she left. 'Thank you Yaya.' Ling took a last glanced at them before she continued her rest.

It was 4pm evening and everyone had a short rest. 'Phew, all this cleaning makes my body sores.' Gopal sat on the chair in a total defeat. 'That's because you don't exercise much' Ying rolled her eyes. Kaizo was looking at the window, arms crossed. Fang noticed him and walked to him, 'Is there anything wrong captain?' Fang asked. 'Should I do something for Ling? After all, she and her colony had helped us quite a lot.' Kaizo murmured as Fang stood beside him. 'Maybe cook something for her perhaps?' Fang replied. 'Maybe, but what do they even eat during sick?' That was the problem, even though they were humanoid aliens but there were still many things that were different from humans. 'Porridge I guess? Boboiboy used to mention that a sick patient should eat plain food.' Fang looked at him as he lowered his hand. 'That's a good idea, maybe I should try.' Kaizo immediately went to the canteen and requested the chef to let him cook. Everyone knew he's bad at cooking and barely passed the cooking test so it's hard for him to use the kitchen. Meanwhile, Ling woke up from her nap as she sat on her bed. 'Maybe I should get something to eat?' she thought as she went down her bed and left the infirmary.

By the time she went to the canteen, she smelled something burning. 'Oh no, what happened?!' she immediately rushed to the kitchen and found Kaizo trying to put out the fire. 'Captain wanted to show you gratitude by cooking but somehow the rice is overcooked and starting to burn.' one of the chef said as he felt worried. 'Don't worry, I'll handle it' Ling went into the kitchen to put out the fire. 'What are you doing here?! You supposed to be at the bed!' Kaizo glared at her. 'I was trying to find something to eat until the smell of burning appear!' Ling protested. After a while, the fire was successfully put out but the whole kitchen was a huge mess. 'You could have tell me that you want to cook before setting the whole place on fire!' Ling looked at him. 'Let me clean it, you stand besi-' 'No, I won't do it until I helped you cleaning up the mess!' Ling cut his words as he sigh deeply, 'What a stubborn woman...'. After cleaning up the mess, Ling started to instruct him how to cook. 'Porridge is actually easy to do it, you just have to put in less rice and more water into the rice cooker until it signaled that the porridge is finally done.' Ling started the to wash the rice as Kaizo looked every single move she did. 'What about carrot? How did you chop them?' Kaizo asked as Ling noticed something and giggled. 'It's nothing to be laugh at!' Kaizo hissed at her. 'No, it just that, I find it cute when I remembered that you love carrots.' Ling took out some carrots and began to wash. 'You just have to use knife to chop not your sword, here, let me show you.' Ling grabbed both of Kaizo's arms as she taught him. Fang came and saw them cooking as he went inside. 'Are you guys cooking?' Fang asked. Ling nodded 'And it's carrot porridge' she smiled as Kaizo looked away. 'Really?! I can't wait to eat!' Fang's eyes glittering from hearing the word 'carrot'.

After a few minutes, the porridge was done as Ling filled it into three bowls. 'Here, eat it and let me know if its good' Ling passed a bowl of porridge to Fang. 'Thanks Ling!' Fang took a sip and it tasted good. 'It tastes wonderful! I love it!' Fang quickly ate it. 'Careful not to choke yourself' Ling chuckled. Seeing this reminded her of she and her brother when they were still young. 'I used to do it myself after my parents passed away, its kind of nostalgic seeing this.' Ling gave a weak smile, it was painful but memorable to both she and her brother. '.......' Kaizo looked at her, speechless. 'But hey, at least I feel better now.' Kaizo placed his hand on Ling's shoulder, 'Promise me that you'll stay on your bed until you've fully recovered.' Ling looked at him and nodded. 'Sure captain, promise.' Even though it's only a short while but Ling did cherished every moments with him.





Sorry that I'm a bad writer, I mostly draw so writing isn't my best//SOB

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