Chapter One.

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"Come on Dad, I seriously don't feel well!" Beca pleads her Dad as they were parked outside the new school. Her Dad looks over, one eyebrow raised at her. He didn't need to say anything, Beca knew full well she wasn't going to get anywhere. She had to go to school. She growls as she brushes her hair back. "You're the worst" Beca complains as she grabs her bag from between her feet.

"Love you too, Honey. I'll pick you up after you've finished" Her Dad tells her and Beca nods as she leaves the car, adjusting her bag on her back so it sat more comfortably. She looks around at all the different groups of people. But there was no cliche groups. Beca could see Jocks hanging around with what seemed to be theatre kids, computer kids. It was much different to her previous school that's for sure. Beca sighs as she looks around, noticing very quickly she had no idea where she was going.

"Oh shit" She mutters under her breath.

"You lost already? You haven't even gotten though the doors yet" A voice calls from behind me. I spin around and a guy was stood there. His hair was slightly curly, but was still well maintained. By all accounts, he was a good looking guy.

It's a shame that isn't Beca's playing field.

"Yeah, the doors confused me. Knocked my bearings off course" Beca replies and the guy chuckles as he walks over, extending his hand.

"I'm Jesse. And I'll take this chance to welcome you to Barden High. And I'll extend my welcome to showing you where your homeroom is. Who have you got?" Jesse asks and Beca fumbles in her leather jacket and pulls out a folded up piece of paper.

"Um.... Mr Jack's." She says and Jesse's face lights up.

"Ah, perfect! That's my home room aswell. Come on, we'll be early but it gives a good impression" Jesse says and Beca follows him.


The two turn a corner towards the end classroom, with Mr Jack's written on the door. Beca goes to open the door but it's locked.

"Yeah, Mr Jack's really likes his stuff. Locks it when he's not in it. So, we gotta wait out here." Jesse explains and Beca nods.

"Well there goes my heist plans" Beca jokes and Jesse smiles at her.

"You're funny. I think you'll get along great with my friends" He says and Beca shifts slightly uncomfortably. She wasn't sure on new people. Espically this early on. She felt she needed to work out how the school ran first.

"Hey, I get it. It's scary meeting new people this early. But trust me. I think you'll like them" Jesse says with a comforting voice. Which made Beca's, doubts fade away.

Was this guy a wizard?

But before that thought can be followed, a blonde girl comes round the corner and beams as her eyes lock onto Jesse's. She runs up and is wrapped into a hug, spun around by Jesse. Beca let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that he definitely wasn't hitting on her, but being friendly.

"Hey Babe. Look, I found a stray!" Jesse jokes, recieving a death glare off Beca.

"I may of just met you, but I'll still kick your ass!" Beca says and the girl laughs and smacks his arm.

"I like you" The girl says as she extends her hand "Audrey" She introduces herself and Beca shakes her hand.

"Beca." She replies and Jesse sighs with relief.

"Oh thank god. I forgot to ask for your name earlier and I thought I might of had to try and guess your name, and I definitely didn't have Beca in mind" Jesse smiles and Beca chuckles and rolls her eyes.

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