Chapter Seven: The Mistake

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Nala silently walked the perimeter of Ivarstead. There was a small destroyed house near the edge of the river that flowed through the village. It looked like the exact location she pictured a beggar to live.

She dreaded what she was about to do. When she stealthily entered the wreckage, Nala immediately heard the poor sod snoring in his makeshift bed. He looked so lonely.

Nala kneeled near the doorway and began to pray. She prayed for Talos to help him. The assassin didn't think she could resist the evil force that wanted the man dead.

She crept over to the sleeping man and unsheathed her dagger. Narfi rolled over in his slumber and groaned as if he were having a nightmare. He probably was, considering Sithis's presence around Nala.

Nala found it strange that she did not have a burning urge to murder the beggar. Maybe Talos answered me, she thought.

She reluctantly sheathed her weapon, turned to walk away from the area, and heard movement. The beggar was sitting up on his bed with a frightened look on his face. He was quietly whimpering, tears running down his face.

Instantly, Nala felt pity for the man. She would have to calm him down. She pulled her hood down, hoping to charm him, and slowly walked towards him. She spoke in the gentlest voice she could muster. "It's alright, I am not going to harm you." Nala was telling the truth. "You need to forget about this. I know it will be hard, but you need to believe me." Judging from his situation, she guessed that he has family somewhere. "I am sure your family will come back for you. Hold on to that thought, agreed?"

Narfi nodded his head and laid back down on his bed. When Nala was certain he had fallen back to sleep, she made her way out of the ruined house for the last time, and began the long trek back to the Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary was at least a four day walk from the village of Ivarstead, though Nala thought she could handle it. She wanted nothing more than to put distance between herself and that man.

The beggar would probably end up driving himself insane, waiting for his family to return. Maybe she should have killed him after all, if that was to become his future.

The four days of walking turned out to be three, and Nala saw Falkreath in the distance. She turned left off of the road, and nearly tripped over a boulder. She had been so eager to return to the Sanctuary for some reason. I need to get away from these people, she thought.

The creepy door opened for her the second she approached it. Nala ran inside to the main room and saw a man dressed like a jester. He seemed to be arguing with Astrid about the Night Mother, but the leader wasn't listening to his words. That was when Nala noticed the crate.

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