Tell Me A Story Chapter:4

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Charlie woke and noticed she wasn't in her room. She sat up and looked around to see Alastor asleep at his desk. She looked down and noticed she was sleeping in Alastor's bed and blushed a heavy red. She sighed and got up.

Alastor woke up and noticed Charlie woke up." Good morning ," Alastor said to Charlie while she was looking around which startled her. "You scared me!" Charlie gasped. "Haha I didn't mean to, how did you sleep?" Charlie looked at Alastor,"I slept fine but, did I pass out last night?" Alastor laughed," Yes you did, so I let you take my bed, I don't mind." Alastor looked off. Out of nowhere a thought pulled up in Charlie's head. 'What was the Alastor like before hell?'

Charlie took in a deep breath,"Alastor can you tell me a story about the human world?" Alastor looked surprised at first than sighed. "Pull up a chair, and let me tell you." Charlie scooted up and a chair and plopped down with a sparkle of curiosity in her eyes. Alastor looked down than back up at her. "You know what, I'll just show you," after he said that he got up grabbed his staff then touched me and we were suddenly in a house.

"Welcome to my home, well the one I grew up in," he motioned to a young boy with bright red hair getting ready for school. The boy was talking but no words were heard but muffled sounds of speech. Charlie could tell by the boys bright smile that is was Alastor. Alastor slightly chuckled," This was the day I started school, but it wasn't as pleasant as it seems." They suddenly were in a school. Younger Alastor has just walked in and everyone was staring at him. He took a seat and a spit wad flew up and hit him. The boy looked around horrified as the class started laughing at him.

The bell rang and all the kids flooded out of the school, but young Alastor walked out slowly with a frown. As soon as he walked out three kids jumped him, they pushed him to the ground and started kicking him till blood came out of his mouth. The scene faded and Alastor explained what I was about to see is 6 years later. We saw young Alastor walk out of school again clutching his backpack tight when the three bullies once again ran at him only this time young Alastor pulled out a knife and killed the bullies, young Alastor looked at what he'd done in horror and then dropped the knife and screamed into the sky. Charlie looked over at Alastor to see him looking at himself with a gaze unbroken.

Next they were back at the house and young Alastor had appeared to fallen down the path of depression. His mom came in and handed him a radio and walked away after smiling at him. He stared at the radio and turned it on, his face lit up with excitement. Alastor looked up at Charlie. "This is when it began." They then appeared in front of a teenage Alastor in front of a mirror dying his hair black, then he put on a tux, sat down at a desk and started talking into the microphone. Now they were looking at adult Alastor smiling in his studio when a shorter lady walked in shook his hand and they began to record. Now you could see the two in the middle of the night talking, the shorter women went up to someone and brought them to Alastor who stabbed them. His face was horrified at first but more scenes of him killing his face became all smiles and insanity.

A couple more murders were shown when the shorter women went up to him concerned you could here her say 'your not well I-it's to much for you, your twitching' than Alastor looked at her and strangled her. In the next scene Alastor ran out of the office broad day light as police lights filled the studio. He ran into the woods scrambling through branches when a gunshot filled the air. Out of nowhere it turned night and her and Alastor were in the woods that they saw human Alastor run through before the gunshot.

  There standing in front of them was a motionless human Alastor surrounded by deer, he was shot in the head by deer hunters

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There standing in front of them was a motionless human Alastor surrounded by deer, he was shot in the head by deer hunters. Charlie gasped and looked away.

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