Over thinking

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-11:30 pm-

-March 16-

Marrinettes POV
lately I've been so exhausted. I feel like I have no motivation to do anything. NO I'm not lazy, I just feel like life is going in slow motion and everything that I ever wanted is slowly drifting away. Adriens dating kagami, Chat stopped flirting with me and he doesn't make puns often, Alya and Nino hang out non stop... I just want to sit in my dark cozy room and work on my designs and not think about Adrien or Luka or chat or school or Lila or Kagami or Alya or.....OR

Adriens POV

"Plagg! You got to help me"
"What is it now kid" Plagg says while stuffing his face with Camembert. "I- I'm just so confused....me and Kagami have been dating for almost a year now and.... it.... it doesn't feel right" Adrien says while scratching the back of his neck. "See kid, this is why cheese is better then girls. There so beautiful and smell nice and they taste like-'' "yeaaaaa ok yea Plagg,
Thanks" Adrien cuts him off. His mind starts to wonder. marrinette has been acting so different. Buts it's a good different. She doesn't stutter around me anymore (I think she was scared of me) she doesn't freak out every time I touch her shoulder or bump into her. She feels comfortable around me now. But this new her is making feel.... I don't know how it explain it. I don't like her because I'm dating kagami so I'm just trying to find out what it is!....

-an hour later-

Narrators POV

Adrien is sitting on his couch scrolling through Instagram because marrinette and kagami are finally out of his head when all of the sudden a shadow zips by his room and hears a knocking at his window

Adriens POV

"Plagg hide" Adrien quickly threw a pillow over the tiny creature "HEY" Plagg screeches "shhhhh!" Adrien whispers. "Ladybug?! What are you doing here?!" Ladybug hasn't made eye contact or said a word since she popped in...there has to be something wrong "m'lady? Look at me" SHIT ADRIEN! M'LADY YOU SO FUCKING STUPID. NOW SHES GOING TO KNOW WHO YOU AR- "I—" she finally makes eye contact but in that same second she burst down crying and falls to the floor.

-a few minutes before-

Marrinettes POV

The only way I can get my mind off of life is when I'm ladybug. When I'm ladybug I'm not just a useless bakers daughter who is always late to class. When I'm ladybug, Paris is my family. Kids look up to me. People ACTUALLY know who I am. The only difference between ladybug and marrinette is that one wears a spandex suit and mask and the other doesn't. Suddenly I lost my train of thought when I saw Adrien on his phone in his room. He's smiling and he's laughing. Tears came into my eyes as I saw him looking so happy. I was about to head home but my body wasn't listening to me. My Yo-Yo Swings to the lamp post and I knocked on his window. WHAT THE FUCK MARRINETTE WHY DID YOU DO THAT. He ran up to the window....wow...his eyes are a bright, his lively green eyes and his hair looks so silky smooth "ladybug?! What are you doing here?!" I frozen. I cant speak. "M'lady, look at me" all I managed to get out is "I—'' I look at him and all the tears that I have been holding back came spilling out. I couldn't control it. He probably thinks I'm weak and helpless. Right now I just want to crawl in a hole and die.

Adriens POV

COME ON ADRIEN THINK! THINK! WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN A GIRL THAT YOU USED TO BE IN LOVE WITH FOR 2 YEARS CRYING IN YOUR ROOM. I look to Plagg and he signals me to bring her to the couch. I nodded and scooped her up while she was still crying and brought her to my couch. "Adrien....." "yes LB" I say "did you just call me *sniff* m'lady?" DAMN IT ADRIEN WHYWHYWHY "I..uhh.." is all I managed to get out. I changed the subject "you never told me what's wrong..." she gives me this look. The same look of the our first Akuma attack when she thought she was the worst ladybug because she forgot to cleanse the Akuma. Those huge blue bell eyes are just to die for. I froze at the look she gave me and quickly hugged her tight "what ever is going on ladybug, I'm sure will get so much better, and whenever you need me I'll always be locked up in my room, ok?" I said while she relaxed into my arms and she stoped crying "O-ok" she managed to say "I-I'm sorry I j-just really n-needed a shoulder to c-cry on r-right now"she stutters he words "its alright" I say "try to get some rest ok?" She nods and heads out but right before she leaps into the night she turns, kisses my cheek and says "thank you adrien Agreste" I stand there, Stunned, and she leaves.

SOOOO THIS IS MY FIRST EVER CHAPTER TO MY FIRST EVER FANFIC THAT I EVER WROTEEEE. EEEEEE. I'm low key proud but tell me if I should continue and write more or just scrap it. Love you guys. <3

Also I'm going to try to post a chapter a day because I have math midterms this week. Fml. But I love writing so I'm probably going to post ALOT during break.

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