A Good Guy turns Bad

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The Doctor and I both ran up to the red glowing ball...... Thingy. It was floating in the air.

"Whoa what is this thing?" I poked the ball as it swallowed my finger, then I quickly pulled back. "It's all squishy."

The Doctor pulled out the sonic and the ball dropped to the ground. "Interesting......"

While I was waiting for a explanation on how the ball was so interesting, he just kept gazing at it. I looked at the ball and then back at him, I did this 5 times and he still didn't tell me. "Dude!" I finally yelped

He flinched almost dropping the ball. "What?"

"Why is it so interesting? You cant just say 'interesting' and not tell me why." I sarcastically told him while putting finger quotes around the word interesting.

"Oh sorry, but I think this is how the planet is moving."

"So it's some kinda.......... Teleport thingy?"

"Sorta but a little more complicated than that."

"Well we fixed it right? I mean we found it and took it down, so is everything back to normal?"

"I don't think so......... You see if we fixed the problem the planet would move back to its spot, but......" He took out the sonic and scanned the sky. "It's still getting hotter."

I sighed and paced around. A house about a few steps away was melting. One by one you could see the drips of water coming down and forming into a puddle. "So what does the mean?" I asked for an explanation.

"It means," he put the ball in his pocket. "There's a lot more of these flying around."

"How many more?"

He pulled out the ball and tossed it to me. "You're smart," I looked up at him as he grinned. "Let's see if you can figure this out."

I looked at the squishy death ball, but I saw nothing. 'I'm not smart!?' I thought. 'I still can't see anything.' I finally gave up and looked at the doctor. "I don't know."

He grinned. "Yes you do, you're just not looking hard enough."

I looked down again, but this time closely to every little detail. There were 10 little lights around the ball, but one was black '.... So that might mean that there's 9 left and the light that's black means that there's 1 not working, which would be this one.' I thought, then I looked back at the doctor.

"You get it?"

"Yeah, well at least I think so. There's 9 more left. I'm I right?"

I handed him the ball as he smiled and patted my head. "See told you, you could do it!"

"Now all we have to do is find all the missing balls before this world turns into a big puddle."

"Or!" He squeaked. "We find the alien that put them on this planet in the first place."

At that moment we heard a scream coming from inside the queens huge house. The Doctor tucked the ball in his pocket, then we ran inside. "What's wrong?!" He yelled right when we opened the door.

The Queen was just sitting casual, like nothing happened. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"We heard a scream." I said, snooping around to see if anything was attacking her.

"Well I'm fine." She stood up and got in my face. "And I would like for you to stop snooping in my stuff!" Then she wacked me with a old news paper.

I turned to the Doctor with a face that read 'did that bitch really just hit me?' Then I turned back to Nina and said "didn't wanna help you anyways." Then I stomped back outside leaving the Doctor with that mess. I sat down on the stairs waiting for the Doctor to return and 3 minutes later he plopped down next to me.

The man I ran away with book: 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora