Rose Buds

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I wake up and I look around the room I was in. This isn't my bedroom I thought. Then I suddenly remembered. Oh yeah I slept over at Steven's house. I get up and go over to the bathroom to get dressed. As soon as I finished I walked out and I see Steven. "Arghhhh!"He growled at the portrait of his mom. I just go into the kitchen to grab some water. Steven notices my figure. "Oh
(Y/n) you're already awake?" He asked me. "Yeah I woke up like 5 minutes ago anyways what are you doing with the portrait of your mom?" I asked. "Oh yeah I'm trying to think of where to put it but I don't know where." He said. Then Greg and Amethyst walk in. "Hello (Y/n)." Greg greeted me. "Hi Greg." I replied. "Yo schuball still finding a place to put that painting of your mom?" Greg asked Steven. "Yeah after
everything that happened I don't know if I still want her hanging over us you know."Steven explained. "I'm telling you man it's not the placement it's the frame." Amethyst said. After she said that the room became dark. "Is it me or is it getting kinda ominous outside?" Greg asked. We all walked out to see a pink ship? "Whoa hey." Steven smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the garden dome. I then see the communication line appear and I see humans? "Stevan greetings!" The make human said to Steven. "J10,Y6, How'd you get your space station all the way here?" He asked. "We took the 'zoo ship' and made it into a crew ship." Y6 said. Greg and amethyst soon walked in. "Hey J10,Y6,I haven't seen y'all since the choosening." Greg said nervously. "You mean since you didn't chosen us?" Y6 sounded pretty angry. He then proceeded to yell at Greg. Greg just backed off and left. "Now that he is gone we'd love that you can come by for a visit"Y6 spoke. "Sure thing is it ok if amethyst comes by to say hi to the famethysts and
(Y/n) can tag along too?" He asked. "As long as they are not Gareg they are welcome." Y6 said with a smile. Steven, Amethyst, and I went to the ship. "Hey Steven?" I asked. "Yes?" He responded. "How do you know this 'J10 and Y6'?" I said making quotation marks. "Oh well remember that time when my dad was kidnapped by blue diamond." He said. I nodded. "Yeah well he was sent here which is a human zoo where they kept humans and I was also here to rescue my dad." He explained. "Oh ok that makes sense now but I still have a question." I told him. "Ask away" he said. "What is the choosening?" I asked him as I tilt my head. He started to blush madly. "W-Well you see t-the thing was a matchmaking game or s-something like that." He said stuttering. "O-Oh ok." I replied.
We then came across a door and it opened revealing a somewhat jungle/island looking place with a bunch of humans, amethysts, and jaspers. "Stevan welcome to our cruise." Y6 said. "Y6! It's so different here!" Steven exclaimed. "Humans have control of the ship now. While the Amethysts laze about like delinquents all day." Y6 says while he turns to someone "Did I say that right Holy Blue?" He exclaimed. While Holy Blue on the other side. " Stop relaxing and get to your posts." She exclaimed angrily. "Ugh how can you stand this total lack of order."she said. An Amethyst comes behind her with a flower crown. "Chill our Holy Blue you know you want to." She said as she put the flower crown on her head. "I give up no one answers to me and I answer to no one." She says pathetically. "Is give anything for an order of the diamonds but all they talk about is Steven,Steven,Steven,STEVEN!" She exclaimed as she saw him. "Hi Holy" he said. Holy did a diamond salute while walking away. "Bye Holy." He said. The Amethysts then laugh at Holy. "YO FAMETHYSTS!" Exclaimed Amethyst. As she did so she rolled over to them while knocking them down like bowling pins as they fly up and land in her. I giggled at the sight. "Stevan I have some special friends wanting to meet you isn't that wonderful!" Y6 exclaimed. Steven then grabs my hand so I can go with him since he doesn't want me being left alone. "They want to meet me?" He said. "Yes it was they who wanted us to come to earth." Y6 said. "I can't wait to see the look upon your face when you see their faces."Y6 said. He pressed a button that opened the door. I saw a nervous look on Steven's face so I held his hand and gave it a little squeeze to reassure him everything's alright. But he got more tense when he saw who was at the door. It was a Rose Quartz that looked like his mom. I just stared at her in awe. "Yes this is the look I wished to see." Y6 said. Then 2 more Rose Quartz's came besides the Rose Quartz that looked like Steven's mom. Steven looked behind them only to gasp. "So...many..Rose Quartz's." He said. The door then closed behind the 3 Rose Quartzs. "Now that it's Era 3 we were all in bubbles so now we're making up for last time Hi! I'm Rose Quartz." Said the enthusiastic Rose Quartz. "And you you are Steven you are soo much smaller than I imagined. Is it because your half organic? Can you believe it Rose Quartz!" The enthusiastic Rose Quartz said as she picked up Steven and she showed him to the other Rose Quartz who has straight long hair. "It's like we were bubbled and now we're like not bubbled." She said. "That's really...really great" Steven said. "Ohh isn't Steven wonderful. He's just so supportive and kind and handsome and athletic...." she trailed on and on. I just stood there processing everything that's happening. "So how's the Earth?" The enthusiastic Rose Quartz asks. I zone off and I look at the curly haired Rose Quartz. She looks back at me. I walked up to her cautiously to not scare her. I then take a better look at her. "Hi I'm (Y/n)." I introduced myself. "I'm Rose Quartz" she said. "I love your hair." She said. "Oh thank you but I think your hair is very prettier than mine I don't think I can have curls in my hair." I smiled at her. She gave me a warm smile in return. "Why don't you come to dinner and find out!" Steven said out loud. Me and The curly haired Rose Quartz look back at Steven. I then hear cheering from the Amethysts. "Yo Steve-." I hear Amethyst but she cuts herself off when she sees the Rose Quartz's. "Family reunion." I hear Steven say nervously.
~*~*~* At Steven's House~*~*~*~
I walk in ahead of the others and I head to Steven's room. But as I'm climbing up the stairs Steven stops me. "(Y/n) where are you going?" He asked. "Oh me I'm just going to take a quick nap don't worry about me go and have dinner." I smiled at him. He sighs. "Ok just sleep well ok" he pecks my lips and hugs me. We let go and go off our separate ways. I go to his room and lay on the bed. And drift off to sleep.
        *~*~*~Time Skip~*~*~*
In the night...
I feel a body snuggle next to me. I flutter my eyes open to see Steven in his Pj's. He looks at me and he kissed me telling me to go back to sleep. I do but I pretend so I can hear their conversation. "So how do you sleep" asked the Enthusiastic Rose Quartz. "You just lay down close your eyes and don't say anything." Steven said. He was about to wrap his arms atriums my shoulder until. "It's a shame we're leaving tomorrow" said Rose Quartz. "Yeah I wish you can just stay here forever" Steven said nervously. "Do you mean it?!" "Of course he means it" the Rose Quartz then start talking about how they knew Steven meant it. Then the curly haired Rose Quartz got up and said. "Can't you guys take a hint he doesn't want us to be here he doesn't like us." She said. "There's no way that's true right steve- Your face!" Said the enthusiastic Rose Quartz. It gets inaudible until I hear crying. I shot up as Steven got up as well he noticed. "(Y/n)!" He exclaimed. "Steven whats going on!" I asked him. "It's ok they just got the wrong idea go back to sleep I'll be back ok." He leans into and kisses my cheek quickly. He the runs off to the direction where the Rose Quartzs went off to. I got up and I went to near the Ocean. I sat in the sand and I hummed to my self a tune that would always relax my mind. I then hear Steven scream out my name in fear."(Y/n)?! Where are you?!" He walks to the front porch and he sees me I stand up and he jumps and floats towards me. He pulled me close to his chest. " I thought you were kidnapped or something happened to you. Please don't scare me off like that." He slightly whimpered. "I'm sorry Steven I just couldn't handle it I come to the ocean when I feel bad about something." I said. He leans in and kisses me passionately. We separate from the kiss. "What did I do to deserve you?" Steven said. "Well you obviously made me your friend and then you began to love me that's how you little goof ball." I giggled as I ruffle his hair. "I love you (Y/n)"
Wassup so imma make y'all suffer in the next chapter so yeah UwU

I will be with you in the Future!~{Steven X Reader }(DISCONTINUED!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora