Chapter 2: didn't expect to see you

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Hey guys I am so sorry how long its been since I updated: to sum it up the chapter was ready a while ago, I forgot to save it and then rage quit. wasn't cool of me and I will make more of a conscious effort to update in the future! thanks and love you for your constant support. 

I sat threw the whole meeting trying my hardest not to walk out and also examining the possibilities. I had several options: the first and most logical was to simply cut ties off and never speak about it again. I didn't like that one

The second was to go up to Marcus and tell him the truth. Explain I had no idea who he was before that night and that the contract should go else where.

I also did not like that one. For many reasons, one of the main being that I wouldn't see Cody. And I wanted to see Cody.

I watched Cody when ever I knew he wasn't looking. He seemed to be exhilarated, bouncing in his seat. Didn't he see this as awkward as well? Something about his happiness irritated me, but also made my stomach feel warm.

Any other circumstance I would be calling whoever and telling them how happy I was that I saw this guy again. He was beautiful and his smile made you smile.

Yet here we are.

"So barring any unforeseen issue" Marcus's voice snapped me back into reality. "Lottie will be your go-to, with that being said is there anything that we need to bring to the table?"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him shift his seat. Oh for fuck sake please tell me he wasn't about to do what I thought he was.

"Actually, and I don't think this will have any issue with the tour... but I think we should address"

His eyes locked on me and he gave a shy smile. Oh fuck really? Really? I had to get myself out of this one. Maybe quit my job.

"If Lottie is going to be with us I think-"

"Cody?" I suddenly piped up. I could tell he was surprised by my assertive voice, "I think I know exactly what you are going to say and don't worry" I pulled out a folder with a hail Mary. "I got you covered"

"You do?" He said looking at Marcus.

"Oh yes" I opened it and pushed it forward. "See I realized the awkwardness... almost immediately"

"You did?"

"Yes" I pointed. "While in the contract I will be required to travel with you but after that I will be staying in different rooms and such. I will not be on the bus. So you don't have to worry about me over crowding you." I gave him that said please shut up. "I will also be following several other guidelines to ensure boundaries" I have never in my emphasized a word so much in my life.

"Ah Yes." Marcus chimed in. "To protect our clients and employees from any form of harassment we have a very strict no fraternization policy. Its for the best really. And I don't have any fears with you and Lottie, but its standard practice at this point."

Cody got the message, he slid back in his seat and smiled. "Well thank you for letting me know. I was worried."

"So was I" Noel laughed. "Mars would be very jealous knowing I was sharing a room with another woman."


"My Fiancé, you will meet her soon, I have a feeling you guys will get a long" He smiled as he got up from his seat. Something told me he knew more than he was leading on to but I wasn't going to think about it.

"Will she be on the tour with us?" I asked, I didn't know what to do if we needed to add another person. I would have to call a bunch of people-"

"Oh no she has her own job that she can't leave right now." Noel said. "But knowing her she will probably come up and meet us whenever she can."

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