"Mm nyt bld." He said with food in his mouth.

"Can you speak without the muffin in your mouth." I said laughing.

"IM NOT BALD YOU BAGUETTE." He said shouting.

"Jesus Christ you don't need to scream my ears hurt now." I said covering my ears.

"Sorry." He said looking down in disappointment.

"No it's my fault I'm sorry. But we should head somewhere else to keep the fun going." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Ummm ohhhh I got a good idea. Let's go to the bowling alley." He said practically breaking his face from a smile.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea let's go." I say putting the address into the gps. And start blasting Lucid Dreams.

TIME SKIP (To Skeppy at the house)

Skeppy POV

"Why did they have to ditch me I did nothing wrong did I? Maybe I'm just not a good friend and they hate me now." I say to myself laying down on my bed. 'What time even is it.' Pulling out my phone '5:37 huh'.

"I'll just take a nap or something." I said laying down in my clothes. Seconds later I hear Darryl and Vincent laughing about something.
I get up to check it out.

"Hey guys what's up?" I ask walking over to them.

"Nothing I'm just gonna go to my room and record something with Vincent." Darryl said walking away.

"Can I join you guys it sounds like fun." I ask.

"I'm sorry but no you can't." Vincent said looking at me.

"Why not?" I asked them furrowing my eyebrows.

"We just don't want you to join it's that simple." Darryl said walking away.

"Fuck you guys go die." I shouted running to my room. 'They're just dumb and stupid I hate them I just wanted to play. You know what I'm just take a nice warm bath I say grabbing a towel and pajamas heading to the bathroom. "What the hell." I say confused looking at my arms. I grab my phone and text Vincent.



No it isn't so leave us alone
We're recording

Come here now something is wrong with me

Fine give me a second

Putting my phone away I investigate more seeing all the cuts and burn marks on my body. 'They're probably all just fake. I wouldn't do this to my self.' I kept looking then Vincent opened the door.

"Vincent this isn't a funny joke can you get rid of all the makeup or whatever is on me." I said looking at him showing my arms my back and above my rib cage.

"I'm so sorry Zak if I knew you did all of this I would have came over sooner." He said giving me a huge hug.

"I'm confused what do you mean." I said looking him in the eyes.

"I don't even know either it's just you never told me why you were depressed and why you wanted to kill yourself." He said looking down at the ground.

"Oh I didn't know I was sad I kind of been getting some memories of my past but I thought they were all dreams or made up." I said turning around grabbing my shirt.

Skephalo - One Sided LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora